Insomnia Prt 2

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You don't really need to have read the first part to get this one, But it would make it a bit easier at the start to get the context. One thing I will say is that there is a little play by play of Dead By Daylight, Which the boys have played before. Just a warning.

Harry's POV

Sitting beside Aiden while he never dropped a smile was one of the most refreshing moments for me, And the thing that sold it was the fact that it wasn't directed at me.

Alex: "Aiden, Download the App and you can order food and drink to your seat."

Aiden: "Oh really? Is there a faster way to do it online?"

Howezy: "There is, Just easier for us to do it on our phone."

Aiden: "I'll stick to the website, It's just convenient."

He not long had set himself up as the rest of us enjoyed the company and played games together. Currently in a game of kill your friends with Vik, Simon, Ben and MK.

Harry: "Who's hunting again?"

Vik: "MK, She's really good at this game."

Simon: "Just keep work together and don't leave anyone behind."

Ben: "Sounds like you've played this before or something."

Harry: "A few times I guess."

Aiden: "It's nice to properly meet you Harry."

I looked over to see him smiling still, Like he has no resting face that isn't filled with happiness which was kind of really cute. 

Harry: "It's a pleasure to meet you too."

Aiden: "Gen on the left is almost done."

I looked back at my screen to see the one had been left on it's own, But that was a basic strategy we employ to make it easier in the end.

Harry: "Normal play, We get them up really high and then leave them so when we all split up we can cover multiple at once and confuse them which one to go for."

Aiden: "Isn't that a quick way to get killed?"

Harry: "It's a risk worth taking."

Playing a little more, Getting the last few all done at the one time then racing for the exit. I wasn't paying attention to where I was running as I was suddenly affronted by a floating nurse as she screamed, Reaching out and immediately appearing in front of me and slashed at me. 

Harry: "Fuck, Damn it."

I tried to sprint my way to the open gate but was cut off again, Slashed at another time and left on the ground. As MK Picked me up and hooked me on one of the standing sacrifice hooks littered around the area.

Harry: "Is anyone even still here?"

Simon: "Nope, You were the last one."

Evident with my body being skewered before being raised into the abyss above me. I let out an exasperated sigh as the others laughed at me.

Harry: "Fuck you guys."

Vik: "Naw poor Bog."

Aiden: "Oh you died?"

Harry: "Yeah, Left me for dead, Literally."

Aiden: "I'm sure you tried your best."

Harry: "What are you playing?"

Aiden: "A new game I picked up I might stream, Not sure yet."

Chloe: "Streaming?"

Aiden: "Yeah, Why not. I'm here with a bunch of people I have never met before but known for years. The least I could do at an event like this is Stream."

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