Chapter 22

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Ami felt better with having repaired things with Josh. He was extra clingy after the incident and their make up. She didn't really mind though, enjoying the constant sneak attack hugs and kisses. Beau constantly visited Ami, getting in as much time with her before the tour moved on. He was very clearly happy to see the two showing more PDA which meant if there were any issues he was unaware of they were most likely resolved. As the days approached for the tour to move on, Josh noticed that Ami was in despair to leave Beau and Austin. She had explained that she basically grew up with them and Beau and Austin were very close. She even proceeded to embarrass her two practically siblings by showing old character portraits they had taken together when they still did Clementine Youth Theatre. Josh couldn't help but laugh at one in which Ami was forced to play a man and they had taken liquid eyeliner and painted a moustache on her face. She desperately tried to take the attention off her embarrassing role but only made it worse when they stumbled upon their photos from a production of Wizard of Oz. They laughed at the horrendous makeup that Beau had to wear for the role of a crow and Ami's crappy costume for the "cyclone." Josh had been thoroughly confused as to how she could be the twister and they had to explain that it was a choreographed dance in which the little girl who played Dorothy was wired up and flew above them while they danced. The embarrassment wasn't cut short when the picture of her as a flying monkey appeared and she nearly cried because she remembered how painful the role was, especially with having a unibrow painfully drawn on her face with brown eyeliner.

They also had their fair share of stories to share with each other. Ami told the embarrassing stories of how she was so small that when she did perform as part of the cyclone and had to carry around set pieces that weighed about the same as her and were nearly as big as her too and she would constantly stumble and drop them onstage. Josh told a hilarious story of how he accidentally fell into the orchestra pit while he was rehearsing King of New York onstage. Beau told one from when he was younger of when he got his very first solo and every time he got on stage to sing it his mic would cut out so he had to belt his solo and lost his voice by the end of the production's run. Austin told one of how when he was younger he was in another production of Music Man separate from Clem in which he scored the role of Winthrop but accidentally used a British accent instead of a lisp for a show because he got so nervous.

While they were laughing over each other's silly stories Josh couldn't help but look over at Ami. He admired her, feeling absolutely cheesy for doing so, but in reality, wouldn't change it for the world. Ami grabbed his hand without thinking and he smiled wider than he was, listening to Beau tell a story about one of the dancers in a show they did falling off stage during a very difficult part in which they had run down the aisles of the audience.

The group sat in a restaurant, Josh by Ami and Beau across from Josh. Austin had a seat but refused to sit in it because he was cold and "the cold wood of the chair will make him die of hypothermia" so he was sat in Ami's lap, though she didn't complain. She had explained to Josh that, while they were growing up, Austin often sat in her lap and that she had grown accustomed and wasn't bothered anymore. Josh thought it was cute that she basically treated the boy like her own son. He knew she'd be good with kids if there were some in their future. Wait... He hadn't just thought of that right?

Josh looked down at their hands, frowning for a moment as he was deep in thought. Did he want to have kids with her? Did he want to marry her?? He looked up at her and the first thing he thought was that she was the most beautiful human on Earth. God, how was he so lucky to have her and why did he even make the mistake of being so distant for such a gosh darn long time. He knew he regretted that mistake a whole lot more than a normal person would. She would be the perfect mother and he loved her dearly and he really and truly was thinking that they could have a future together. He looked over at Beau who had been giving him a knowing look. His eyes seemed to ask the question to Beau and Beau merely responded with a nod and a small, but proud, smile.

When Austin's food came out it wasn't what he had expected and he was upset. He was very hungry but he didn't want to eat what they brought out for him. Ami tried to convince him to eat, concern etched across her face like a mother to her child. When he refused to eat the food they brought him she began to feed him her food. Eventually she had just given up all her food to the child and began eating his kids meal. Austin didn't care though and when everyone was done eating and about to part their separate ways, for Josh and Ami to go to the Hobby Centre, he hugged her tightly. She picked him up and hugged him tightly as he smiled gleefully at her with a full stomach, "Thanks big sister!"

She smiled gently putting him down and crouching down to his height, "Now, Austin, I want you to go home and take a nap. You shouldn't be running around and causing a ruckus having just eaten." Austin nodded, hugging her once more before Josh grabbed her hand and they said their goodbyes. Josh and Ami began the trek to the theatre which, luckily, wasn't too far. They walked in a comfortable silence, both very happy to be together again.

aaaaaa these two backstage crew members were talking while I was running to the other side of the stage after my quick change from a scene and near scared me half to death because they were talking and said "did she say Iowa or Idaho" and I thought I messed up and they were like "NO WE'RE KIDDING YOU DID GREAT"
Anyways this was just a bunch of fluff so

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