Chapter 2| Who doesn't like the Lion King!?

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QOTD- What is your favorite movie?


"Soooo, what movie are we watching today?" I ask as I sit on the couch in between Harry and Kora.

After school we usually come to one of our houses and watch movies, its out friend tradition. And everyday we wear matching onesies. Today we are wearing cow onesies.

"MOOOO! I think we should watch the lion king. MOOOO!" Kora says.

"YES!" I squeal.

"NO!" Harry squeals in a girly voice to match me and Kora.

"Why not?" I ask, pouting.

"We watch that all the timeeeeee..." He whines.

"So, and?" Kora says.

"And, its annoying!" He says.

Me and Kora gasp, putting out hands over our hearts.

"WHAT!?" We scream.

"Yeah, you heard me, it's annoying." Harry says, throwing a piece of popcorn in the air and ATTEMPTED to catch it with his mouth but he fell to the floor. He pouts, "Awe."

I snatch the popcorn from him.

"Not the time for popcorn! This is a very serious matter! Who in their right mind thinks that the Lion King is annoying!?" I say, waving my hands around like those girls who think they are cute when they do that with acrylic nails on, ewwww.

"Me." He says, bored and annoyed.

"Ugh! Your so, so, so.... uhh, help me out here Kora!!!" I exasperate.

"He's a nincompoop-dinkle-splatch." Kora says.

"A what?" Me and Harry say in unison.

"A nincompoop-" She begins.

"No, no, never mind." Harry says as he shakes his head. 

"....Anyways..... let's watch the lion king!" I scream excitedly.

"NO!" Harry yells.

We look at each other, and we both instantly stand up and run to the cabinet where the movies sit.

"NO!" Harry screams grabbing my legs and making us both tumble to the ground.

"YES!" I scream as I kick him off. I swivel back over to the movies and open it, He grabs my legs and drag me back.

"NO!" He screams.

I scream loudly, he lets go and covers his ears and crawl back to the cabinet and start searching. 

"It's not in here!" I say.


"What the fudge-nuggets???!" I exclaim. Me and Harry turn around to see Kora watching the Lion King while shoving popcorn in her mouth.

"Really!?" Me and harry exclaim in unison.

She stops her popcorn-filled-hand in midair as she stare up at us. "What?"

"Really!?" I say.


"Kora....... good job!" I say as I stand up and cuddle next to her and grab a handful of popcorn as we watch the movie.

"I really. really. really. hate you guys." Harry says.

"If you did, you wouldn't be here..." Kora says, her eyes still glued to the screen.

"Your right." Harry says as he stands up, puts in his shoes and walks out the front door.

Kora giggles. I look at her to see her playing with his car keys. I give her a high-five.

"3. 2. 1" We says, the door swings open. Harry comes back in, throws his shoes off, and sits next to us, watching the movies as he grabs some popcorn.

"Love you Harryyyy!" Me and Kora sing.

"Hate you guyyyyyys" He sings back in a girly voice.

Kora pouts and I huff, crossing my arms over my flat-non-existing chest.

"You suck." I say.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Harry smirks.

Me and Kora scream as Harry laughs at us.

"I hate you!" Me and Kora say in unison.

"The feeling is mutual." Harry responds as he grabs another handful of popcorn.

" Harry responds as he grabs another handful of popcorn

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Ahh, love this books os far. These 3 just crack me up more than I crack an egg. Hahahahaha..... I need friends.

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Love y'all! Thanks for the support! And as always.... WATCH YOUR MOUTH ON MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER!

xxVanessa 😘

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