Book 1 ~ Chapter 26

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Its been more than a day since we arrived in prison. Asami and I were stuck in the same cell, which I was grateful for. I tried breaking free using my fire bending to melt the doors but the doors were too thick. Eventually, I gave up trying to break free, and just waiting for some good news to come. Asami stayed in the corner ever since we got here.

"Asami, are you alright? You've been there since we got here," I asked.

"I didn't like it when Tarlock mentioned my father, I didn't commit any of the acts my father did, yet here I am," Asami said, not looking at me.

"Trust me, I know how you feel," I said, Asami turned to me.

"My grandmother is Azula, remember. I had to stay in the Fire Nation for most of my life until I fully mastered my bending. I wanted to help with things like protecting the fire nation, but they never gave me a task. Lord Zuko told me to not mind them, and he said that one day, I would have my own responsibility. And now, I do. What I'm trying to say, Asami, is that, these people blaming you for what your father has done, won't be permanent. Because the only person who can prove you aren't him, is you," I said.

"Thanks Lei, you're a great person to talk to, you know. You always know what to say to people," Asami said, I smiled lightly.

"Its my job, Asami," I said.

Suddenly, the door was metal bended open by Chief Biefong, well, Lin.

"Hope you got enough beauty rest, come on, I'm busting you out," Lin said. I still didn't like her but this was my only option.

"Thanks, we owe you one," Asami said, as we made it out the cell.

After Lin broke us out, we immediately head over to the cell where they held Mako and Bolin in. Lin metal bended the door as well, revealing a surprised Mako, and Bolin turned around in the corner.

"Asami!" Mako exclaimed, as he kissed her passionately. I cringed at the sight.

"A little privacy over here!" Bolin said.

"Are you alright?" Mako asked.

"I'm fine, it's so good to see you," Asami replied, Mako turned to me.

"Hate to break the reunion, but Korra is in trouble. Amon captured her," Lin said. I immediately gave her a worried look, but I wasn't the only one who looked concerned for her.

"No, she can't be gone," Mako said softly.

"Come on, we have an Avatar to rescue," Lin said, before we ran out into the hall.

All of us immediately made our way to Air Temple Island, where hopefully Tenzin could help us. Once we arrived, we went into Tenzin's office, and we saw him talking on the phone, as we approached closer to his desk.

"Call me back if you find anything," Tenzin said, before ending the call.

"Lin, you should be in the hospital, and all of you should be in prison," Tenzin said.

"Wow, thanks for the warm welcome back, Tenzin," I said sarcastically.

"I figured you could use some help finding Korra," Lin said.

"Do you have any leads?" Mako asked immediately. He seemed worried, and it was normal in this situation.

"I've been on the phone all morning, and nothing yet," Tenzin replied.

"We need Naga, she can track Korra," Mako suggested.

"I'm afraid her polar bear dog is missing as well," Tenzin said. Mako turned to me.

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