Chapter 3| Suck my Peacock!

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QOTD- What's the worst joke you've said or were told?


After our sleepover last night we woke up and ate some toast with Nutella on it, than we cleaned up and got dressed for school.

"Did you know that hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water." I say to Kora. Kora doesn't have a car, nor a divers license. She failed her drivers test..... 25 times. And each time it was something different, thinking the red light was a green light, thought yellow meant to turn, accidentally crashed the car into a flag pole, you know... the weird things Kora does. So last night Harry drove her to my house and Kora decided to ride with me because of what happened between her and Harry this morning. Here's what happened:

"Why didn't you brush your teeth?" Harry asked Kora.

"Because I use my tooth brush to brush my hair and I left my comb at home so I couldn't brush my teeth." Kora responds.

"Who uses a comb to brush their teeth and a tooth brush to brush their hair?" Harry questioned.


Harry face-palms himself.


"Your so stupid." Harry says.

"Am not, your stupid, your the one who "accidentally" went into the girls restroom!" Kora screams. I just sit and watch them, amused by this stupid argument.

"I'm not stupid. And it was an accident, so stop bringing it back up!" Harry yells.

"Than don't call me names!" Kora yells.

"Suck my peacock!" Harry responds.

"Kiss my virchina!" Kora yells.

"Shut up you hohohohoho!" Harry yells.

"What did you call me?" Kora gasps, putting her hand over her heart.

"I called you Santa Clauses favorite word!" Harry says, smirking as he crosses his arms over his not so broad chest.

"Santa clause invented that word after he meet both of you idiotic children. Now shut-up and lets go or else we'll be late!" I yell.

They both mumble things under their breaths.

I start laughing as I think about the situation that happened earlier.

"What's so funny?!" Kora asked.


She huffs as she realizes what I'm laughing about.

"It's not funny." Kora says.

"It really is...." I respond.

She pouts.


"I'm ignoring you, starting now!" She says.

"Awe, Kora, but you loveeeeee me!" I whine.

No answer.





"I will buy you Oreos, and a jar of Nutella!" I say.

"OKAY!" She says, reaching over and hugging me.

I push her off. "Don't hug the driver!"

"Oh, sorry." She says sheepishly as she leans against the window.

"Loveee you Koraaaa!"

She sighs. "Love you too." She mumbles.

"What was with the sigh, and what'd you say, I couldn't hear you!?" I tease.


"Tell me what you said!"



"Ugh, I said, I LOVE YOU TOO!" She screams.

"Aweeee, I love me toooooo!" I say, making her frown at me. "Haha, okay okay."

"Finally." She mumbles.

"What was that?"


"That's what I thought."

"That's what I thought." She mimicked in a baby voice.

"I will throw you out this car in .5 seconds if you don't stop copying me!" I say

"I will throw you out this car in .5 seconds if you don't stop copying me!" She mimicked in a baby voice.

"Ugh!" I scream.

"Ugh!" She mimicked.

I than ignored her for the rest of the ride.

I than ignored her for the rest of the ride

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xxVanessa 😘

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