A Life Together

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Summary: The 5 times Steve and Natasha talked about having a normal life together and the one time they got to live it.


The heart rate monitor was the only thing filling the silence in the room. Steve had gotten used to the familiar beeping, finding it comforting rather than annoying. Natasha still hadn't woken up from her surgery nearly 48 hours earlier and he couldn't help but worry something else was wrong. When they'd come running in from their mission gone wrong, it had been obvious a lot of things were wrong with Natasha. Steve could tell they'd fixed all her visible injuries, but what if there was something they hadn't seen? What if she wasn't waking up because she had internal bleeding or something?

Maybe Sam was right. He'd drive himself mad if all he did was sit by her bed and wait for her to wake up. In his defense, he'd brought a book so he'd have something to do other than stare at her hopefully. Unfortunately, the book had yet to be opened. Steve just couldn't focus on anything except the small rise and fall of Natasha's chest, assuring himself the heart monitor was right and she was alive.

"You know, we really should consider retirement at this point," he murmured, twirling a red strand of hair around his finger. "You've had more bullet wounds than days off and I think you could be good at anything you tried to do. I know I've been thinking about it for a while, but this just really makes me want to settle it right now," he told her. He'd seen Natasha get hurt on many of their missions, but that didn't make it any easier to watch. "Maybe I'll just kidnap you and disappear to who knows where. You'd probably just find your way back to the fight though." He chuckled and smoothed a hand over her hair. He sighed and kissed her forehead gently. "Tell me what you think when you wake up, alright?"

Natasha groaned and Steve froze. She rolled her head to the side before slowly blinking her eyes open at him and giving a weak smile. Steve was pretty sure he was dreaming, but he didn't necessarily mind it. At least this time she wasn't dying in his dream.

"...like i'," she murmured, bringing a hand up to rest on his. Steve's hand cupped her cheek as he looked down at her in shock. "Wha'? Didn' think I'd make i'?" she teased softly. Steve smiled as his eyes watered. He shook his head in disbelief and leaned forward to kiss her lips.

"I'm so glad you woke up," he said, kissing her nose and then her cheeks.

"Good," she sighed, pressing her head back against her pillow and struggling to keep her eyes open. "I'm gonna go back to sleep, though."

"Alright," Steve agreed, gently running a hand over her head as her eyes closed. "You do that."

"We'll talk abou' retiremen' later?" Natasha slurred, falling asleep quickly. Steve nodded and pressed another kiss to the side of her head.

"Yeah," he promised. He wasn't sure if Natasha had even heard him or if she'd fallen asleep before he'd spoken, but he relaxed as he watched her sleep, knowing she'd be okay now.


HYDRA really sucked. Not only had they taken over SHIELD then decided to blow up a bunker around them, they had the decency to shoot at them in the middle of the city. Sure, Maria had saved them from whatever horrors Rumlow had in store for them and taken them to see an undead Director Fury, but that didn't make Steve's feelings about HYDRA disappear. In fact, the only thing he could focus on the entire time Fury and Maria briefed them on what had really gone down, he'd been staring at the bullet hole in Natasha's shoulder and thinking up ways to make Brock Rumlow suffer for it. Natasha assured him she was fine, but he wouldn't have it. HYDRA just plain old sucked and he was going to destroy every last remnant of it.

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