•Bloody Hands•

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                         ~Ida's POV~

        "You know he's not gonna live, right?" Santi's Aunt/Grandma tells me. I've been sitting quietly in this uncomfortable chair for two hours thinking of all the possible outcomes that can come of this situation. My eyes meet hers. Even with age, she's beautiful. "Your dad, that is. The moment he pulled that trigger he was dead, you know that right?"
    "Y-Yeah," I say. Part of me knew this was going to happen, but the other half didn't want to believe it. My dad, to me, was always a very kind and compassionate person, but now I can't remember when something snapped in him that made that change.
     "So there's no use in making my husband track him down. The longer it takes Zurine to find him, the angrier he's gonna get and that's gonna make it worse for your pops," she tells me. Her voice is soft, but I can tell she would rather be screaming this at me.
    "Is this just how it is?" I ask. Her neatly done eyebrows pull together. "You're perfectly fine with the fact that your husband has blood on his hands and gets them dirtier? You're not scared?"
    "No," she says, sounding offended by my question. "Because men like my husband and Ever love the hardest. He keeps that life away from home and I know he would never hurt me. Santi has blood on his hands, probably more than Zurine and his father. And if you're scared of him because of that, he deserves someone better."
    I want to explain myself but she's up before I can say anything. The doctor that's been coming in to tell us what he can speaks to her quietly. Her body relaxes at whatever he tells her.
    I get up once he leaves, nervous to talk to her now. She turns around, a relieved smile on her face. "You're fucking lucky he's not dead, unless I would have kicked your ass." I sigh, happy to hear he's alive.
     "Don't try to explain what you said; I know what you meant. But you shouldn't even ask yourself that question. If you really love Santi, his past, current, and future actions shouldn't mean shit as long as he comes home at the end of the day. And I don't mean to be judgmental, but I can tell just by looking at you that you aren't cut out for it."
                           ~Santi's POV~

       The pain in my chest and stomach is enough to make even the strongest man cry. Being that I just woke up, no doctor has come in and given me anything for the pain. The hospital gown that they've put on me isn't on completely, my upper body exposed but covering from my waist down, probably because of the patches they have taped to me.
    I knew something like this was gonna end up happening, but I was expecting that something I'd do would trigger it. The hope I had that him and I could somehow make amends is gone.
    The door opens and Don walks in with Ida behind her. Unlike Ida, Don rushes over to me, smothering my face in small kisses. I shake my head, grabbing hold of her arms.
   "Don't ever scare us like that again," she cries. I'm expecting Ida to say something, but she stays quiet in the chair near my bed.
    "Where's Zurine?" I ask, confused as to why he's not here. Not that I think I'm super important, but I just assumed he would be with her.
    "Zurine isn't here," Don tells me. I'm doing my best to ignore the pain in my upper chest and stomach, but it's getting harder. "Should I get the doctor?" I shake my head. Ida puts her head down, sighing.
    "Where did he go?" She glances over at my sad girlfriend, hatred in her eyes. I would usually defend Ida, but I'm in too much pain and I can't blame Don, for she doesn't know the entire story. For now, she can hate Ida, but I won't let it last long.
    "Your girlfriend here wouldn't give him her fathers address, so he went to find him himself," she tells me. Ida looks up, her eyes glossy. I shake my head, swallowing down the lump in my throat.
    "Call him or do something, because he can't kill him," I tell her. "Just please, try to call him and tell him not to do anything." Don's jaw clenches as she looks into my eyes. She probably thinks I'm talking crazy.
    "I'm afraid there's not much I can do," she says. I know she's just saying that because she wants it to happen. Deep down I want it to, but I can't allow it to happen.
    "Just try, please," I beg her. She nods, kissing my forehead and glaring at Ida before walking to the door. I'm glad she didn't put up too much of a fight. Ida slowly gets up, watching the door to make sure Don doesn't come back in I assume.
      "How do you feel?" She asks, taking my hand and squeezing it.
     "Tired and in pain," I admit. Her shoulders slump again. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to your dad." She shakes her head, her wet eyes meeting mine.
    "That's not what I'm worried about, I'm worried about you. Whatever happens to him, it was supposed to happen. I was just so scared that you-that-"
    "I know," I say. "But I'm fine, just a few scratches that will be healed in no time. It hurts, yeah, but I'm still alive." She nods, wiping her eyes with her free hand. "Now can I get a kiss?"
    She smiles, bending down and giving me a quick peck. I grab her other arm, pulling her back to me. "Your dad almost killed me, I think I deserve more than that a peck." Just as our lips are about to meet again, Don opens the door.
    "He's on his way," she tells me. "But I genuinely don't think anything can stop him."
    "This isn't his fight."

AN: I'm gonna cut it right there because once again, if I keep it going it's gonna be too long and I'd rather just shoo it into two. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: Why do you think Santi doesn't want Ida's dad dead? What do you think will happen?
   Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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