9 | tension

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Jungkook's pov:

The next morning was quite.. awkward.

I woke up to be met with Taehyung's face right in front of mine. He was still asleep, his lips slightly parted as quiet breaths escaped his mouth. He looked really cute I have to admit.

I decided to get up and make some food. I prepared medicine for Taehyung's hangover that he'll most likely have and walked back into the bedroom. The older was already awake, he was looking around the room with a confused expression.

"Good morning." I said brightly and sat next to him.

"Why am I in your bed?" Taehyung asked, his voice raspy.

"You were pretty wasted last night and you were scared of falling off the bed, so you squeezed yourself between the wall and me and fell right asleep. I couldn't really say no." I chuckled, remembering his state the night before.

Taehyung nodded and put his hand on his head. "Ugh this headache is killing me. Why did I have to drink so much.." He groaned. I passed him the medicine and glass of water, he took it without complaining.

"I don't know, you tell me. Why did you go out to drink again hm?" I asked while crossing my arms.

Taehyung froze for a moment but then shrugged his shoulders quickly. "I can't remember.." he mumbled and got up. But I think he stood up too quickly and got dizzy because he sat back down and grabbed his head. "Agh fuck.."

I sighed and was about to get off the bed to go to the kitchen, but Taehyung grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. That gesture reminded me of last night, I bit my lip as I felt blood flowing to my cheeks and tinting them light red.

"Hey um.. I didn't do anything weird last night did I?" He asked and I immediately paled. Obviously I couldn't tell him what went down the other night, it would make things between us even more uncomfortable than they already are.

I put on a fake smile and shook my head. "Nope. We just did the prank, that's all." Taehyung slowly nodded, so I got up and walked to the kitchen.

After a few minutes Taehyung joined me and we ate breakfast together, in silence. I felt like you could cut the tension with a knife because of how awkward it felt, or at least it seemed that way for me.

Although Taehyung probably didn't feel the same since he didn't remember anything from last night. He looked up from his plate and gave me a weird look. I only now noticed that I've been staring at him for a few minutes, lost in my own thoughts.

"What?" He asked plainly and I quickly looked away, continuing to eat my food. "Nothing." I responded nonchalantly.

This time it was his turn to stare at me; after a while I couldn't take it anymore. I threw my fork on the plate and looked straight into his eyes.

"Okay something definitely happened last night. What's wrong?" Taehyung questioned with a blank look.

"I already told you, nothing happened. Stop asking me for fucks sake." I groaned and got up from the table.

"Why are you getting so angry for no reason then?" He stood up as well and faced me.

"I'm not angry, I'm just.. tired. I didn't sleep well because you kept moving around." I lied and walked into the bathroom to do my morning routine.

Taehyung sighed and sat back down to finish his food.

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