#42- Bigger Problems

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Simon's POV

By the time we'd got halfway across, we could just about see a shimmer in the distance, like a doorway or some shit. Of course, by that point Harry had also almost fallen off 3 more times. Tobi and Josh were pretty much clinging onto his sleeves to stop him falling. I wasn't sure how long we had been walking for- maybe half an hour, an hour? I was starting to get a little scared.

'What do you think we're going to find?' I asked nervously.

'No fucking clue.' Josh answered. He loosened his grip on Harry's sleeve and reached towards me, squeezing my hand. That was sweet of him, almost sweet enough to make up for his shite answer.

'Thanks?' I replied.

'It'll be fine.' Ethan said. Apparently everything had become bad enough to bring out his nicer side. About time. The rest of the walk went by in silence- the sight of a glowing doorway at the end of the platform was enough to make us afraid enough to shut the fuck up for once. When we got to the door, it was closed, but the glowing outline was fucking weird.

'Let's go lads.' Ethan said, opening the door to a white corridor, with a couple of black desks and...

'Are those bloodstains!?' Tobi exclaimed as we crowded around the doorway.

'Fuck. I knew this would happen.' Josh muttered. That didn't stop Ethan walking through the door, followed by Harry, Josh and Tobi. I didn't get a chance to follow before we heard shouting from the corridor. Before we could react, someone ran around the corner. Someone in a red suit, with jet black hair, carrying a massive fuckoff axe. Josh shoved me further back through the doorway before his face went slack. Joshua. I tried to grab him and pull him away from the demon motherfucker but he shrugged me off, running forward with Ethan to face him. JJ hung back, standing between me, Vikk, and the door.

Ethan didn't hesitate before throwing a punch at the attacker, missing horrendously but still distracting him enough for Joshua to kick him. He went down on one knee, yelling and swinging at Joshua, who fell back, clutching his arm. I ran forward, ducking JJ and helping Joshua up before the axe dude could do any more damage. As much as I hated the bastard, I didn't want Josh to come back missing any limbs. The axe guy stood and ran at Tobi, who was stood in front of Harry, but Ethan intercepted and tackled him to the floor. The axe went skidding away as Ethan began raining punches. Joshua grabbed the axe, pushed Ethan away, and swung. The guy with the axe was dead. Before we could react, another red-suited man ran around the corner. Joshua holding the bloodstained axe was enough for the guy to turn and run back the way he came.

'Dude.' Ethan said, wiping his blood-splattered face. Joshua just raised an eyebrow.

'Shit.' I said, noticing Joshua's blood-soaked sleeve. Joshua took off his hoodie and showed me his arm- a deep cut ran across it. Not good.

'You need to bring Josh back.' I said as I pressed his jacket against his arm.

'Now isn't really the time.' Joshua replied, handing the axe to Ethan and helping me tie his jacket around the cut. An alarm began blaring through the corridor, and footsteps echoed towered us. 'You've got bigger problems.'

A/N- Update schedule who??

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