t h i r t y - o n e

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When you get back into the house you suddenly feel like you're in the wrong place.

There's no one waiting for you on the couch, no one arguing about food, or laughing about some picture on their phone.

There's no noise.

There's nothing.

You feel like crying now, like a huge chunk has been ripped out of your heart, you feel a void that you can't begin to comprehend.

You were so used to the house being full, now that you're alone, it feels like you're by yourself in a huge hall.

You want to get out.

This is not home.

You look around before carefully walking up the stairs, the movement of your legs and hips making your wound burn but you ignore it.

You walk into the hallway and try to look past all rooms, you'll cry if you look into them, and you walk into your own.

You finally admit it to yourself, you miss them already.

You can't leave yourself up with your thoughts, so you get into bed, it's already late, and turn off all the lights.

If it was just easier, if they were anything else, not drug dealers.

You can't support that. You can't be involved in that, you can't stay with them it's already putting you in danger.

You can't do anything about it.

You squeeze your eyes and few tears fall down your face and soak into your pillow.

- - - - -

It's morning now.

You're in the kitchen eating acorn jelly by yourself. You didn't take a shower, you didn't know how to with the wound, but you changed into new clothes and did your makeup.

You chose a skirt and oversized shirt.

You eat your last piece of jelly and walk over to the sink to wash the dishes, when you finish, your doorbell goes off.

You smile, knowing who it is, you've missed them so much and it's barely been a day.

You open the door with a a wide smile, and you see Jungkook first, "Good morning." he says, smiling back.

You go to hug him, and he's obviously taken a back, but after a few seconds, he wraps his hands around you too.

"Someone's in a good mood." you see Namjoon walk up and chuckle.

"I sort of missed you guys." you admit and Namjoon frowns.

"That's not good." he says and you shrug.

The rest of them come into the house and you're happy that they're back in place until Jin reminds everyone what they're here for.

"We've got boxes for the extra stuff we've left here, it won't take so long." he says and starts heading up to his room, the others following after collecting some of their stuff in the living room or kitchen.

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