Was it only a dream PART 2

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(okay part 2. And i dont own art, and varians birthday passed and urs is coming up)

It had been 3 months since that perfect dream. (Y/n)  wasn't sure if  it was real or if it was a dream. Varian seemed to have no idea what she was talking about. And now everyone was planning for (Y/n) birthday.

During this time, as Rapunzel kept her busy as Varian and everyone else planning her party.

Night of the  party she walked into the ballroom to see everyone surprised her.

"Oh guys its won..." She stopped mid sentence  only to run outta the room to the garden vomiting behind a busy. Varian being worried went after her.

"Hey you okay?" He asked as she panted. He pulled her close feeling her forehead.

"I don't know whats wrong with me. I must have a bug. Or something" she said as he held her.

"Lets go see Xavier...maybe he can help." He said helping her walk.

Xavier looked her over as she rubbed her stomach. He noticed it was swollen, did a test as she sat in a chair.

Varian got her mom and dad as Xavier figured out what the problem was.

"She isn't  sick your majesties" he said as Varian rubbed her shoulders.

"Then why is she vomiting so much" Ariana asked trying  to remain calm.

"Well...it has a term. Morning sickness." He said and (Y/n) went wide eyed.

"Say what?" She asked. Varian was swearing profusely behind her.

"The child is pregnant" he said and both Frederic and Ariana went wide eyed.

"What!!??" They both shouted as (Y/n) rubbed her baby bump.

"How could you do this!?" Frederic shouted.

"Daddy I didn't. I swear" she said tearing up as he yelled.

"Fred stop! She doesnt know how this happened?" Ariana grabbed his arm trying to calm him.

Varian tried to remain calm as Frederic put on his crown. Thats not a good sign.

"Until this child is born you are going to spend the next year in your room. Under lock and key and when the baby is born, we give it to another  family and then we never speak of it again." Her father said as dictation. His royal decree.

(Y/n)s eyes began to water.

"Daddy you cant do this! Its my baby. And I want to be a good mother." (Y/n) cried out.

"Well a good mother wouldn't have gotten knocked up at 16" he said. "Now go to your room and stay there" he said as she lowered her head as she turned and left to go back to the palace and soon was in her room.

The next day, king Frederic had bars placed on her window.

"Oh this is terrible..."(Y/n) sobbed into her hands as her sister held her.

"Its not you fault...but do you have any idea who the father may be." Rapunzel asked.

"....I had a dream, a beautiful moment of love making in this room as the moon shimmered and shined...." She said

"Who was it with? Maybe it wasn't a dream." She said and (Y/n) hiccuped.

"It was with Varian...but I asked him if he had a dream like that" she said wiping her eyes. "He didn't ...its not fair Rapunzel!" She sobbed.

Rapunzel made that face. Getting up and leaving the room.

**time skip 6 months later**

(Y/n) was now 9 months, ready to pop and still on lock down. She missed Varian, even he wasn't  the father, she still loved him and longed for his company. Just a hug...a kiss on the forehead....anything.

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