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It been a hard day for me, i felt like everything in me is dying slowly but i have to be strong for my son. When i got home i put on my brave face so for my families sake, i went to the living room where my Arjun and Mom were playing.

"Mom did you talk to Dad about Arjun staying back with me." I just pray that Mom was able to convince Dad because really all i needed right now was to be with my son.

"Yes sweetheart i have, and don't worry Arjun will stay back with Mom isn't that right Arjun." I know how much it means to be without your kids for long. And i don't want my daughter and grandson to go through that.

"Really Mom i will stay with you forever,wow thank you grandma." I started jumping in happiness i will finale stay with Mom.

"Listen your father and I will be going back this Morning, he have some emergency meeting to attend and Nicol need your brother, you know how pregnancy can be like. But Tyson and Tina will be staying back."

"I just hope that Dad wont hate me because am taking Atjun to stay with me. Tyson must be happy to finale going to be a big man calling the shot, in his big chair." It was always funny to see my brothers fight over who will take over Dad company one day. Lucky Zac took over the company in New York, and Tylor want nothing to do with corporate world, and Luke still in college.

Late at night we all have a lovely talk as a family, dad was not pleased with the idea of me leaving with Arjun but he understand telling me that he will visit every weekend when ever he got time, so he can spend it with his grandson. Arjun decided to sleep with Dad and Mom tonight since they wont be seeing each other for a while. The next morning they fly back to New York and Lucky i have a week to my self. Tina and I decided to go look for a daycare for Arjun and after looking around we finale found one. It was good, closer to my work and the kids there are friendly. Arjun was so excited to join the following day, so went shopping so my baby can look good, thankfully the paparazzi never saw me or else my pictures would have been the talk of the week. And yes tomorrow is one of those days that i have to be face to face with my new stocker called Karan Pate, how much i wish i never see him again, but i have to work and that mean meeting him everyday.

"Mom.......Mom come fast or i will be late for school, grandpa said it does not look good to be late for any appointment."

"Arjun baby it not an appointment but school and you right, it not good to be late but we wont be late, come let go young man." We drove to his school it was not long before we reach and my son was the happiest to attend school.

"Now listen Mr Hero i will come pick you up after my shoot and remember no talking to strangers okey." I gave him a kiss and he jump out of the car to his school, i wave to him and drove to my shoot. As soon as i pull off i saw Karan waiting leaning by his car.

"Divya can we talk please."

"My name is Divyanka only my loved ones can call me by Divya not you. And they is nothing to talk about, please move form my way. Ooh and yes Mr Karan i hope after everything that happened we can still be able to work together and be professionals about it." I walk to the studio and everyone started hugging me with many congratulations for the award, well we haven't been on set since that night, nor did i join then after the awards since i left there running.

"People that enough, Mr Smith will kill you if you suffocate her daughter to death. And Divya thank you dear you really deserved all those awards."

"Thank you Miss Kapoor, i got those award because i have an amazing team working with me. And it all thanks to you for giving me a chance really." We hug and soon everyone was asking me about my Dad but it was an amazing day at work. And after the set i have asked Ekta to leave for home at five from now on.

"So where have you be hiding Divya, i try calling you but your phone was not reachable. And i called Tina too and she said you were busy, so are you going to tell me."

"Anita am sorry, my family leaving and my brother staying with me it all kind of hectic but listen can we talk tomorrow i have to rush somewhere bye." I went to my car and drove off to pick up my son from the daycare.

Tina and Aly have been hanging around a lot lately not that am complaining but am very happy for her that she find love. And Aly seems to be the good boyfriend too, he even changed his profile status on all his social media account and God they do look good together. My parent kept their promise to keep visiting us, but two month back they come with the sad news that Tina parents were on a car accident and died on the sport. It was painfully but we are still dealing with the news and Tina have been keeping her self busy with work and Arjun. And thankfully Karan finale understand to stay the fuck away from me. Two weeks back we celebrated Arjun birth day my Dad bought a Four year old an IPhone 7 who does that. But i have promised Dad that i will never come between the two, and that is what am going to do.                       



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