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I zipped up my bag and tossed it by the door. Dave was going to Miami and I decided to go with him. Ari and Shea are coming too because Jay and Dom are.

"You sure you don't want to go?" I looked over at Queen.

"Yea. I'ma just chill with Clarence."


"What?" She laughed. "We are just friends."

"I didn't say anything."

"Yea but you looking at me like I'm lying."

"Just saying, ya'll spending a whole lot of time together. That's how it started with me and Dave now look at me." I pointed to my stomach and laughed

"Well none of that is going on over here."

"Right." I nodded. "Anyway, how has work been?"

"It's cool." She sighed. "Retail just sucks. Those customers get on my nerves."

I laughed. "I couldn't do it."

"How long are ya'll going to be gone?"

"3 days I think. Maybe 4."

"You ready?" Dave appeared at the doorway.

"Yep." I smiled

"Let's go." He grabbed my bag.

"Try to keep all of y'all sexual activities in the guest room." I looked at Queen.

Her mouth dropped. "We are friends."

"Anyway. I'll text you when we land."

I followed Dave out of the apartment and down to the garage. He placed our bags into the back of his range and then opened the passenger door for me.

"You got it mamas?" He helped me in

"Yes. Thank you." I grabbed the seatbelt.

Dave came around to the drivers side and got in. The airport wasn't too far from his apartment so It didn't take that long to get there. When we got there, instead of parking like normal people he pulled around to the back of the airport. I looked around at the different planes.

"Why are we back here?"

"We flying private baby." He smiled

"Oh you fancy." I joked

He stopped beside other parked cars and and turned the car off. I carefully got out and waited. Ari and Shea walked from around the other cars and stood with me.

"We over here." He walked towards a plane.

We all followed behind him. We boarded the plane and got comfortable. The flight was only a little over three hours so we wouldn't be flying too long.

Later that day...

I sipped on an alcohol free daiquiri while I ate lunch with Shea and Ari. Dave, Jay and Dom had business to handle so we decided to go shopping. I picked up a couple things for myself but I mainly picked out things for the baby.


I walked around the shipping dock looking at the containers. I upped my supply from the Cubans recently. Everything should be getting shipped to this dock.

"Everything look good?" Oscar appeared from around a crate.

"Perfect." I turned around to face him. "Which containers will you be using?"

"The red bio hazard over there." He pointed. "I've been shipping and receiving for years and the feds are always hesitant when it comes to those. They rarely ever check them so you'll be good."

"And if they do check it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'll make sure it's one of my guys on payroll that checks it out. No worries." He laughed

"When is the next shipment?"

He pulled out his phone. "Should get here in about two days."

"Cool. Hit me up when it's here and I'll send my boys to come get it."

Dom handed the duffel bag to Oscar and stepped back.

"That's all you need right?"

"Yep. Nice doing business." He threw the bag over his shoulder.


We decided to go to dinner together tonight. Dave picked the place. It was a restaurant called CVI.CHE 105. I glanced over at the food people were eating as we walked by. Everything looked good.

We were seated at a table and ordered our drinks before looking at the menu.

"Ya'll been here before?" Ari asked.

"Nope." Me and Shea shook our heads.

"Me either."

"It's good." Dave spoke. "You should get the Chicken Aji with a side of rice. I think you'll like that." He looked at me.

25 minutes later

The waiter sat our food on the table in front of us. Everything looked and smelled amazing.

"You know me so well." I sighed as I tasted the first bite. It was so good.

I stole a piece of pineapple off of Dave's plate. He just looked at me and shook his head. I shrugged and continued eating.

Once dinner was over, I didn't feel like doing anything else. I went back to the room but everyone else went to a club.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into the room and Dave was laying across the bed.

"What happened to you going out?"

"Not feeling it. I'd rather lay up with my babies."

"Awww. You're so sweet to me."

"Yea. And only you."

I dried myself off and slipped on a night shirt. I climbed into the bed and turned the lights off.

"I'ma hop in the shower real quick before I get in the bed." Dave leaned over and kissed my forehead before going into the bathroom.

3:28 AM

"Yo, your phone bugging out. Get that shit." Dave groaned and rolled over

I sighed and felt around the bed for my phone. Queen was calling.

"Hello?" I sleepily answered

"Kim!" Queen screamed. "What the fuck are ya'll doing? I've been calling and calling."

"We were sleep. What's wrong?"

"Ya'll gotta come back asap. Clarence was shot!" She cried

Harlem Nights | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now