Chapter 15: Baggage

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Nick's POV

Now that I knew Lauren was safely locked in her room, I could deal with this psychopath. He had me fucked up if he thought he could just come in here and hurt Lauren and pull out a knife and think he was gonna walk away safely. "I'm gonna give you another chance to leave before I deal with you." I told him. "No you need to fucking leave so I can talk to Lauren. She's my girlfriend not yours." He said.

Well, it was pretty clear that he had an obsessive addiction to Lauren, but I wasn't gonna leave her alone here with him when he was obviously crazy. He still had his knife out and was gradually getting closer to me.

I've been in a few situations that I've had to defend myself before, I mean I grew up in Jersey so I had to look out for myself. Before he could catch on to what I was doing, I elbowed him in the face. And threw the knife out of his hand and kicked it across the room. Now we were gonna fight fair, if that was what you'd call it. I obviously had the upper hand because he was skinny as hell so he definitely couldn't keep up with me.

I threw another punch and he stumbled backwards. His nose was bleeding and his eye was starting to swell shut, but he still managed to get back up. "Damn dude you just won't take no for an answer huh." I said. "Not when it comes to Lauren." He said.

I guess I was gonna have to deal with him the hard way. I pulled back to punch him in the face but he decided to take the low blow and kicked me right in the goods. I fell over and tucked my knees up against my chest, and I couldn't move. "Wow man that's just tough. You really don't fight fair." I said.

"Nope." He said. I needed to get up. I had to. Otherwise he was gonna get to Lauren, and I couldn't let that happen. "Lauren!!! Open up and your little boyfriend will leave this house in one piece." He said. "Fine." Lauren said opening the door. "No Lauren, just stay inside until the cops get here." I said. "Well I'm not just gonna let him hurt you." She said. "Well how are you gonna handle this?" I asked. "Like any girl would handle it." She said.

Before I had a clue what was going on, Lauren kicked Jackson hard as hell in the nuts, and pulled out a taser and used it on him. Damn! I needed to remember not to get on her bad side. Next thing I knew, a few seconds later the cops were there putting him in handcuffs and taking him away.

They asked if I was okay because I was laying on the floor stiffly. There was broken glass and furniture thrown everywhere that I hadn't even noticed before. I had put up one hell of a fight.

After everyone left Lauren day by me and waited until I was fully recovered to speak. "I'm so sorry." She said. "For what? None of this was your fault. The fact that you crazy ex boyfriend stalked you down and has a creepy stalker possession of you isn't your fault. You can't control everyone." I said. "Yeah I know but I just wish you weren't here to get caught up in it all." She said. "Well I don't regret it one bit. If I wasn't here, he could've hurt you, and I don't know if I would be able to trust myself knowing that no one was here to help you." I said. "Even though it's pretty clear that you can handle yourself for the most part." I added.

"Yeah well that's what happens when you have an abusive boyfriend. You have to lurk how to defend yourself, then you run like hell so he doesn't find you." She said in a scared tone. "Well now you can have the title of the baddest bitch on the planet, cause you just took down a 6 foot guy on your own." I said laughing, but I immediately regretted it because I winced in pain.

"You should've let the paramedics take you to get checked out, you don't seem to okay to me." She said. "It's okay. Just a few bruises and cuts here and there." I said. I sat up and leaned against the sofa. "Let me see." She said lifting up my shirt.

There was a huge bruise mat on my rib and a knife slash across my stomach that I hadn't even noticed. "We need to get you to a doctor." She said. "Please no doctors. I'm not in the mood to have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and then they're gonna call my mom most likely to notify her because she's my emergency contact." I said.

"Fine. But at least let me take care of you. I don't feel right letting you deal with this yourself." She said. "Okay nurse Lauren. You can do whatever you want with me." I said.
She smiled and walked me to the bathroom. 

I don't know what I was feeling but there was something about her smile that made me feel like I could spend forever with her. She was special, which was gonna make telling her my secret even harder.

Phases: A prettymuch fanfic •Complete•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat