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Kiana's POV

The four of us walked into the studios and greeted the person at the front desk.

"Hello Jun ssi, Soonyoung ssi, Minghao ssi, Dino ssi, and...wait, Kiana ?" The lady said at the front desk asked and she looked at me.

"Yes ? How do you know my name ?" I asked, not sure what she wanted.

"Do you not remember me ? It's me, Mrs. Jo !!" I gasped at the name, disappointed that I didn't recognize her instantly.

"Mrs. Jo, it's been so long !" I said and hugged her.

"How do you know each other noona ?" Dino asked and I flicked him in the forehead.

"I told you I used to dance here so I know everyone who works here, yknow, if there hasn't been any new ones or if no one left in the past 2 years." I said.

"Nope, everyone's still here !" Mrs. Jo said and I jumped but then stopped. Does that mean HE still works here ??

"What happened ? You were just so happy ?" Mrs. Jo asked and I suddenly remembered an incident that happened to me here but I never told anyone else except for Minghao but he doesn't know it was in here.

"Oh nothing, I'll get going now." I said and walked around the building. It really hasn't changed at all huh ? Hoshi and them went in front of me to go inside one of the rooms.

"Let's go in this one." Hoshi said so they all started walking in. I almost walked in but then stopped at the doorway.

"Wait, can we go to a different one ?" I asked and just looked down at the ground.

"What's so wrong with this one ?" Hoshi asked and I shook my head.

"Never mind." I said and walked inside, my legs were trembling, my feet were trudging along the ground.

"Kiana, are you okay ?" Jun asked and went up next to me.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." I said, my voice shaking as I continued to walk slowly.

"Hey hoshi ! Long time no see !" I heard an oddly familiar but unfamiliar voice come from the door but I didn't mind it.

"Hello, Mr. Kim." I turned around to see who owned the voice and also to greet him but ended up falling to the ground when I saw him.

"Kiana !" The 4 boys yelled while the man looked at me confused.

"Kiana ? That sounds awfully familiar." He said as his voice trailed off and then gasped when he remembered who I was. I looked at him and he took a few steps back.

"Kiana, do you know each other ?" Hoshi asked me and I gulped, the sight of him makes me sick.

"H-he did something s-so wrong to me." I said, trying to hold back my tears.

"What'd he do ?" Hoshi asked and I looked at Hoshi then to Mr. Kim.

"Tell your dad to fire him right now." I said, making my voice firm which surprised Hoshi.

"What ? Why ? What'd he do ?" He asked me but I just shot the man a death glare.

"Why don't you ask him yourself ?" I said and then Minghao gasped, realizing what I meant.

"Hyung, get your dad. Right. Now." Minghao said as he went up to Mr. Kim to keep him inside the room.

"Why ? What's going on ?" Hoshi asked.

"Just get him Hyung !" Minghao yelled so Hoshi ran out of the room. When waiting for Hoshi to come back, Minghao held Mr. Kim like he was getting arrested.

I sat on the ground, my eyes still glaring at the man, there were so many things I wanted to say to him but I just couldn't get them out. I stood up but my legs were still shaking either from looking at him or because I'm injured. Either way, they were shaking but I still held my death stare at the man being held by my brother. Soon enough, Hoshi came back with his dad.

"Oh ! Kiana, it's been a while. Hello to you guys too !" He said, waving at Jun, Minghao, and Dino.

"Wait, why are you holding Mr. Kim's hands like that ?" Hoshi's dad asked Minghao but I responded instead.

"Sir, I'm sorry but why haven't you fired him yet ?" I asked and he looked at me in shock.

"What do you mean ? He's an excellent teacher, why would I fire him ? Did he do something wrong ?"

"Yes, something I will never forgive." I said and he looked at me confused.

"This man right here, raped me in this very room when I was only 12." I said pointing at Mr. Kim and eventually slapping him.

Jun, Hoshi, Dino, and Hoshi's dad were in shock while Mr. Kim looked down in shame.

"Leave, don't ever come back you disgusting pedophile." Hoshi's dad said and Mr. Kim looked at him, pleading with his eyes.


"No buts." He said and Minghao let go of him, Mr. Kim walked away and I fell to the ground again, this time, I was sobbing.

"Noona, you've been through so much, are you sure you don't want to go live with me, at least for now so we can help you ?" Minghao asked but I shook my head.

"No, I'll be fine." I said in between breaths of me sobbing.

"Kiana, take a rest, you've had enough for the day." Jun said and I nodded. I tried standing up but I ended up just getting carried.

"Yah, Wen Junhui, put me down right now." I said and he shook his head.

"Nope, you're injured and I'm gonna take you back to my house again." Jun said and suddenly Minghao appeared in front of us.

"Excuse me ! I have a house too, just drop us off at my house, she's my sister anyways." Minghao said and I nodded.

"Please put me down." I asked and he did.

"Okay, I'll take your stuff from woozi's and bring them there too." Jun said and I nodded at him.

"Thank you." I said to him.

안녕 !! GUESS WHO DECIDED TO FINALLY UPDATE AFTER 50 BILLION YEARS !!! Hahaha yeah, sorry it took so damn long, I don't have my laptop anymore so I can't update during school. Anyways, stream Happy Ending. 사랑해 !!


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