Unpleasant Vaginal Odor Can Indicate Vaginosis

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"Fishy" vaginal odor, especially after sex? Burning sensation during urination and itching around the vagina? Whitish discharge?
You may have something called bacterial vaginosis, which can also occur without obvious symptoms.
Vaginosis is caused by an imbalance of "good" and "bad" bacteria that are normally present in the vagina.
Douching or a new sexual partner increase the risk of developing the disease.
Vaginosis does not belong to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but it increases the probability of getting them.
You cannot catch the infection in a public toilet, when sharing bedding or in the pool.
Sometimes, vaginosis passes after a few days without any treatment. If the symptoms do not disappear, it is better to consult your doctor and undergo medical treatment.

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