Chapter 7

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The place was rammed with people, the music was so loud that you had to scream to be heard by the person next to you and this was only outside in the front yard. Sydney and I locked arms all excited and walked in together watching people jumping around to the music, couples snogging each other on the sofas, people bumping and grinding against each other and towards the kitchen people were play drinking games. There was a smokey mist all around us from people smoking cigarettes and some smoking weed, which was pungent. There is no mistaking that smell!

Within minutes of wondering around this party, we were handed clear plastic cups containing what I presume is beer by some random stranger. Sydney right away downs the damn thing saying that it will get us tipsy and in the mood to have more fun. Taking her word for it I also start to drink, it tasted bitter and I hated it but I didn't want to spoil her mood by not drinking at all. "We should play the drinking game, you'll love it, it's so much fun!" She screams in my ear and I nod following her lead. I'm still so new to this that I kind of feel out of place, maybe playing this game will loosen me up a bit or maybe the alcohol will. Most probably the alcohol I think to my self and laugh.

Around the table were a lot of guys shouting, laughing and drinking. On the table there were lots of cups of beer laid out like a pool table. Sydney jumped in and started playing with some random guy as her team mate, throwing a ping pong ball in the cups and when she missed, she had to drink. I asked one of the guys to explain the rules of the game and he looked at me shocked "You never played this game?" Now I feel embarrassed for asking what seems to him like a stupid question. "It's my first time at a party" I say shyly trying to explain my lack of knowledge. A wide grin spreads across his face and the next thing I know, he lifts me up in his arms and point his finger at me and shouts to his friends "Hey we have a party virgin over here!!!". They all cheer like it was something amazing, he then lets me down, grabs my hand and quickly explains the game to me "Your on my team gorgeous!" I nod shyly and take to first shot.

The game was easy enough at first, but after a few missed shots and a few drinks, it got harder, I wonder why and my conscience tell me it's because I'm getting drunk, DUH!

Yep, I was officially drunk but I was having loads of fun, but now I was no longer in the mood to play games, instead I wanted to dance. All my previous concerns were out the window, all my inhibitions were crumbling away and after those few rounds of the game I felt free and daring. I grab the random guys arm and dragged him to the living room to dance with me. I don't even know this guys name but we were enjoying each others company and that was good enough for me and I don't see him complaining either.

He grabs me by the small of my back rubbing it up and down, more down than up while we danced. After a while he laid his hand on my butt, squeezing it and I push it back up giving him a smile but don't do that again look, which he seems to ignore. We repeated this motion several times, it was starting to get really annoying, him groping me like that and I tried to pull away from him altogether but he just held on tighter. "Can you stop that?" I ask with a forced smile as I try to be casual about this. "What?!!! I'm not doing anything!" He replies acting innocent but then does it again. I try again to pull away with a bit more force, but he just won't let up and get the hint, instead he leans in to kiss me. Oh hell no! I say internally and snap my head to the side to avoid his lips crashing onto mine and just as I do that, he is pulled away from me and pushed to the floor.

Some guy had dragged the stranger off me, threw him to the floor and climbed on top of him, pounding his face with his fists. I look closer to see who the guy was and my eyes widened in shock, it was Liam. SHIT, LIAM IS HERE!!! I shout to myself and look around for my friend but she is nowhere to be seen and now I'm stuck here with him, who undoubtedly came to this party with my brothers. I'm so fucking screwed!!!

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