Chapter 27

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"What?" I gaped at Sasha, not believing my own ears. "Why would you want to leave?"

The said girl and I were still in the middle of the underground floor, with Sasha crouching in front of the small table.

"I don't know," she huffed. "It might be because my supposed mate is pretending like I don't exist. Or it might be because I'm surrounded with strangers, who don't seem to know what to do with a witch like me."

"Then why don't you just leave?" I surprised even myself when I asked that. "Why do you need to invent a new potion?"

"Because Dyson's an arrogant ass." For the first time since I met her, Sasha's eyes narrowed into small slits. "He does everything in his power to avoid me, but the moment I set my foot outside the pack house, he bullies me back inside."

"So, the potion..."

"With the potion he'll have no idea I've left, until I will be already long gone." She added a pinch from the third heap, which caused a small line of smoke to evaporate out of the glass bottle.

A part of me wanted to smack Dyson across his head for acting in such a way to his mate. Until now, I had thought him to be much better than his Alpha, but apparently I had been wrong. These werewolves really had a knack for acting like the worst mates possible.

Then I suddenly remembered what Dyson had told me in the forest.

"I... I don't think it's personal."

Sasha continued to keep her eyes focused on the glass bottle, but I didn't miss the way her shoulders tensed. Despite not wanting to seem like it, I guessed she wanted to know why her mate was acting like that.

"His father..."

For a second I contemplated telling Sasha to get the truth from Dyson himself, but I doubted he would be willing to share. At least not right now.

"His father used to beat him when he was younger." Sasha's eyes snapped up to mine, and I forced myself to continue despite the pungent taste in my mouth. "And I think Dyson is now afraid to turn out like him. He's afraid he might hurt you."

"Of all the stupid potions!" Sasha jumped up to her feet and began to march toward the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To find my stupid ma—"

Before Sasha could even finish her sentence, the door flung open and crashed against the wall. A loud bang filled our otherwise silent surroundings, while two dark figures appeared in the now open doorway.

"You dare lock up my mate!" Jared's shout followed before I could even register which of the two figures he was. "Naia is afraid of—"

I edged a step forward to come to Sasha's aid, however, the said girl dismissed the heaving Jared with nothing but a wave of her hand. She walked right past him and instead stopped in front of the second person who had barged into the room.

"You." She poked her index finger right into the middle of Dyson's chest. "If you ever dare to lay a single finger on me in harm, I will use a potion that will turn you into an obedient wolf for the rest of your life."

"This is not—" Jared began instead of Dyson.

Before he could go on, I rushed over to him and grasped his hand. This immediately caught his attention, and he turned to face me.

"It wasn't Sasha," I whispered and then focused back on the other two mates.

"So, will you now stop ignoring me?" Sasha asked, while keeping the tip of her finger pressed into Dyson's chest. "Or do you really want me to leave?"

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