Chapter Sixteen

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Idly sitting by the window sill, Jungkook found himself tracing his finger against the glass. It had begun to rain just before dusk sending the camp into a flurry as people scurried inside. Rain beaded against the broken paintwork of the buildings, bouncing from every hard surface. The hissing sound came from every direction and the storm drains flooded with run off water. For once autumn had come on time. 

Transferring his gaze beyond the camp, Jungkook's eyes fell softly upon the distant skyscrapers, the light pink and purple hues of the sunset bouncing off the un-shattered windowpanes. Jungkook could see the clouds in the distance growing darker, he knew a good storm was brewing. 

Standing from the window sill, Jungkook swept his hoodie from the back of his chair, pulling the thick cotton material over his head. It would be best to make it to the dinning hall before night fall. He would rather be able to see where he was going in the rain then to stumble around like a blind bat. 

Shuffling down the small hallway and downstairs, Jungkook made it to the bottom level of the inn. He was about to exit the building, but quickly decided to let Yoongi and Jimin know he was going to eat. 

Raising a hand to the first wooden door, he gave a small knock. He didn't have to wait long before the door creaked open, rusted hinges on the door squeaking a little with the movement. 

"Yoongi?" Jungkook spoke as he cocked a brow in surprise, "isn't this Jimin's room?"

Jungkook heard shuffling from inside the room before Jimin appeared behind Yoongi, "It is." he giggled, "Its just that my room has a good view of the west so I called Yoongi in to watch the sunset."

Jungkook's eyes flickered back to Yoongi who raised is hands in denial, "I had no say!" The blue haired male spoke, "Jimin dragged me in here." Yoongi explained. 

Jimin glared at Yoongi before turning his attention back to Jungkook, "So what brings you here?"

"I'm gonna go grab dinner, you coming?" Jungkook spoke, gesturing towards the exit of the inn. 

Yoongi gave a slight nod, "You go on ahead and get a seat," he said, exiting Jimin's room, "I need to go put on something warmer if we're running through the rain." Jimin agreed with Yoongi's statement also heading back into his room. 

Jungkook pushed open the wooden doors of the inn and was engulfed by a cold chill. Not hesitating, he stepped out into the cold rain, smiling as a drop of crystal-clear water appeared against his skin. The rain was something that calmed him, but at the same time excited him. 

He pulled the black hood over his saturated form as he began to dash through the pouring rain, small pellets of water spitting on his hands clenched to his hood as his combat boots splashed up the water of the puddles at his feet. Through the sound of the rain a familiar voice called out, gaining his attention. He managed to lift his head just a bit.

"Quick Jungkook!" Tessa called from under the awning of the dinning hall, "You'll catch a cold!" 

Jungkook picked up his place, landing his feet undercover as he swept the hood from his face, "Too bad no one saved any umbrellas after the outbreak." Jungkook said, earning a giggle from Tessa. 

Tessa began peering through the rain, "Where are the others?"

"Getting dressed, the'll be here soon."

Tessa gave a nod as she gestured for Jungkook to follow her inside the dining hall. Jungkook let out a breath of air as he was engulfed by the warmth of the room, steam rising from the freshly cooked meat on the counter tops. 

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