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"Pick it up, Miss White," Odin says

"But mortals can't hold it" Loki states confused, I could though... I did

"Pick it up to Abigail" Odin says again. I walk forward and pick it up with ease. I heard Loki give a small gasp of surprise. "Fascinating, just what I thought"

"Thought what Odin? How can she hold it a mere mortal would be unconscious by now. How is she different?" Loki asks still confused, but his eyes so much fascination and interest I almost blushed.

"Dear child," Odin said turning and looking at me. "You have the power of an Infinity stone in your blood. It is how I believe, you have your powers," he says

"How did it not kill me?" I asked

"Because you are not an ordinary mortal. In fact, I don't think you are mortal at all." the Allfather stated.

"I beg your pardon," I said my mouth opening slightly.

"Come, child, let's get you some answers," Odin says starting out of the room

"Where are we going, sir?" I ask

"The healers to examine you, to possibly back up my theories about you." He replies still waking out. Me and Loki glance at each other before quickly following.

When we get to the healers' room he called one of them over.

"I want you to do a full body deep check on this young woman," Odin ordered.

"Of course, right this way ma'am," She said leading me to a medical bed. I lay on it and she says, "It will only take a minute."

"Okay," I said back. After a little, she says I can stand up and brings me back to where Loki and Odin are.

"Okay, so I have the results... They are very interesting." She says

"What are they?" Odin asks

"Well she is immortal that was one of our first surprises. Our second was that some of her powers definitely did come from an original Infinity stone. And the powers from other stones she has been exposed to... She has only used about half her powers capabilities. Meaning her powers can get stronger and better with time. Also, she is well... she is also well..." She kind of stutters

"What is it?" Loki asks with pure curiosity in his words.

"Well her mother is Freyja, Goddess of Love, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death. Her father was a mortal of Midgard though. So Lady White is actually a demigod. Which is why she didn't die when injected with the Infinity Stones powers." The healer said. 


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(Sorry it is short! Next chapter will be longer!!)

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