23; Stories & Science

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The next twenty minutes consisted of everyone trying to cheer me up. Clint let me try his bow and arrow, and I shot a hole in the wall of the aircraft by accident. Bruce tried distracting me with all the cool science-y stuff around the aircraft, which worked for a while because, well, I'm a nerd just like Tony. Steve even sat with me for what felt like an hour just telling me all about the war he was in and what it was like almost 100 years ago. Thor and Tony still hadn't returned, and it'd been over an hour. Every now and then I could hear one of them yelling in the other room, but somebody would quickly redirect my attention to something else.

I ended up falling asleep in Steve's lap while he was talking about the war, and I was thankful to get some rest after everything that happened today.

Steve's POV

"I knew this beautiful girl, her name was Peggy... I loved her more than anything. But then one da— Victoria?" I looked down and noticed Victoria's head had fallen to the side, leaned into my chest. She'd fallen asleep.

I readjusted my arms around her bent knees so she wouldn't fall and she snuggled closer to me. So this is what Tony brags about. Now I understood. I laid my head back for a couple minutes before I heard footsteps and voices getting closer. I opened my eyes and saw Thor and Tony entering the room again.


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"Finally." I said simply. Their eyes trailed down to the small person in my lap.

"How is she?" Tony asked, pulling at the hem of his sleeve.

"Hurt." I said. "You guys resolve anything amongst all the yelling?"

Thor plopped down in his previous seat and let out a breath, but didn't say anything. Tony walked around his seat and sat in front of me again, leaning forward on his knees. He eyed Victoria in my lap every now and then, but mostly kept his eyes focused on the floor. I could tell he was jealous, I'd known him long enough to realize that.

"Tony," I broke the silence, since I felt he wasn't going to. He looked up slightly. "There was no way you, or any of us, could have known."

He sat back and slumped in the seat, letting out a huff and pressing a finger to his temple. "I know..." he trailed off. "I just can't believe this is happening... I mean, how stupid could I have been? How did I not realize what I was doing? I'm such an idiot."

He put his hand over his eyes and pinched his temples frustratingly.

"No you're not

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"No you're not." I said. He peeked through his fingers. I leaned forward slightly, careful not to wake Victoria. "Because you have the most beautiful, caring, kind-hearted daughter any bastard like you could ask for." I whispered the last part.

Tony chuckled bashfully, eyeing the sleeping girl.

"It only took me this past hour and a half to realize that." I smiled.

"Lustreal was a confusing person." Thor spoke up. "She was apart of Loki's biological family, their people, they were all mischievous. I'd only met her a handful of times, mostly because she was in hiding a lot during the pregnancy. How did you meet her?" He asked Tony.

Tony rubbed his eyes again. "Uhhhh...... I was a different person then. I hooked up with a bunch of women... I don't even remember half of their names."

"Tony had big dick energy." I said with a smirk, which earned a glare from Tony. Thor tried to hide his amusement with his hand.

"Language." Tony mocked me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm never going to be let down for that, am I?"

"Nope." They both said in unison.

"Why did Lustreal come to Earth in the first place? I mean, before Victoria was born, and I... y'know?" Tony asked Thor.

"She was banished from Jotunheim due to reasons I still don't know, then somehow found out where Loki was; Asgard. She went there, and even though Loki was originally from Jotunheim as well, she was unwanted there too. Our father, Odin, was already under fire for what he'd done; taking Loki in years before. Loki told her about Earth." Thor explained. "She changed her name to Lulu to sound more... human I suppose?"

"She was a news reporter..." Tony trailed off. "Wasn't any different from any of the other chicks I—"

Suddenly, Victoria stirred in my arms, and her eyes fluttered open. With a yawn, she looked up and smiled at me. But that soon faded when she saw Tony sitting across from us. He grinned awkwardly, and she scowled back.

"Didn't think you'd come back." She said coldly. Tony's smile faded to one of guilt.

"I'm sorry."

"So am I."

And with that, she stood up from my lap and marched out of the room with Tony following behind her calling her name.

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