Somethings amist

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I float in a dark place . Not a sound dares to break the silence. A white light slices through the darkness creating a exit. A burst of light blinds my eyes. A familiar voice hovers in the air. I open my eyes a tiny bit to see my father talking to a nurse. I roll my head to the side and stare out a window. The nurse walks out of the room as I fall back to sleep.
I wake up to here Taya talking to Jade. "Uhhhhhhhh." I say exhausted. "Where am I?" I ask looking around. "Your at the hospital." Jade responds. I try and pull myself up but I can't. A nurse walks in and gently pushes my back down. "You need to rest before you can do anything." I look at Taya and Jade worried faces. "What's wrong?" Before they can speak my father rushes in. The conversation stops. Taya turns away and Jade look at the ground. My dad kneels down next to me. A few hundred questions later they have to leave. I lay in bed waiting and wondering. I slowly nod off to sleep.
I wrench, over a ringing sound in my ears. I look up to see the car approaching.
I jerk out of the dream screaming. I wipe a roll of sweat off my forehead. A nurse rushes in and askes if I ok. "Yeah yeah just a nightmare I think." I respond. "Well try and get some more rest because you'll be leaving tomorrow." The nurse says as she walks out. I roll over and try and fall back to sleep.

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