Brendon's view

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"B?" I heard I turned to find Zack waiting in the waiting room.

"Zack." I breathed.

"What did they say?" He asked I took a deep breath.

"They think it is measles. They want to admit her and give her an IV. They said it's gonna get worse before it gets better." I explained. He nodded.

"How's Sarah?" He questioned, I stretched my neck.

"Not well, the doctor kind of freaked her out with the fact her fever might go higher and she scared that... you know she'll ... She stayed to lay with her." I responded, I just wouldn't bring myself to saying that word. Not about my kid. I just can't.

"And from that look in your eyes, you are thinking the same thing." He could read me like a book, and all I could do was a nod.

"She's gonna be okay, modern medicine exists. Kids live through this stuff all the time."

"Yeah," I nodded rubbing my eyes.

"They're gonna take some blood and give her an IV for some medication and fluids. I think we are gonna be here a long time so you can go home, go back to bed." I chuckled at the last part.

"I'll call an Uber so you two can have a car." I nodded and gave Zack a hug.

"Thank you man, I'll call you with updates." He nodded, and spoke a 'no problem man', after that he left. I turned around and went back into the room. As I opened the door I was met with crying. Ruth, the nurse, had returned to give Tat an IV and get blood. Tatum does not seem to be impressed by it. She screamed and sobbed.

"M-m-mommy." She called through gasps. Sarah held Tatum's other hand trying to comfort her.

I guess looking back Sarah and I cherish the moment she would say "mommy" or "dada".

"We are going to give her some fluids, hopefully, get her in better spirits and maybe even smiling," she cooed putting her hand on Tatum's head. "We will send her blood up for testing and we should know in a few hours. I'll have it rushed." Ruth then smiled up at us. Her smile reassured us that our baby will be okay.

"Thank you so much." Sarah smiled, then Ruth left and it was just the three of us.

"She's gonna be okay." I smiled at Sarah as she sat with Tatum on her lap.

"I know, I know..." she sighed, and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Tatum..." I spoke softly, she gazed over at me.

"I love you," I smirked at her, a smirk that Sarah thinks Tatum and I share. T continued to whimper, she didn't like the IV.

Little did we know that it was going to get worse, and throw us on our heads.

This is more of a filler. I'm kinda bad at starting stories because I just want to start mid-plots. But the next chapter will be a flash-forward, I think later in the story I'll flashback but IDK. Thanks for reading! Please give me a star thing! Plus if you won't give me a follow? I would really appreciate it! I'm asking a lot right? Check out my stories, why not? I LOVE YOU! 💕

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