Chapter 8| So Cute.

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QOTD- Have you ever helped someone get with someone? You know making your 'ship' that you made sail..?


Kora's POV

Carly left me and Harry alone in her house. I know it sounds you know... bad. A girl and a boy in a house ALONE, anything could happen. But we won't be doing that. I may like Harry, but I'm not ready, I'm not trying to have a kid at such a young age and ruin my whole future.

After Carly left I took Harry to the living room.

"Woah, whats going on here?" Harry asked as he looked around at the little date me and Carly set up.

"Well...... I- uhm.. I..." I stuttered.

Harry chuckles. He than engulfs me into a hug.

"I love it." He says.

He than kisses my cheek making me blush. We than heard a squeal. We turned to look out the living room window to see Carly happily making her way to the car.

That was so embarrassing, she saw us......

"Yeah it was..." Harry said.

"Wait, wha-??" I say.

"You talk out loud some times." He laughs.

That's even more embarrassing, now he probably thinks I'm crazy!

"I never think your crazy.... well sometimes." He shrugs, laughing.

My neck and cheeks heat up. "Well, uhm. Me and Carly planned this all out for you and me...."

"Thank you, and I will thank Carly later.." Harry said.

"Your welcome, Want to play Mario cart and eat some pizza?" I ask.

"Of course!" He exclaims.

We sit on the couch and get the game set up. 

"I wonder how Carly is doing with your siblings..?" I say.

"Yeah, I hope she's okay..." Harry says.

We both shrug. "Oh well." We say in unison.

We than get comfortable next to each other as we get the wii remotes and started playing.

"Your cheating!" I scream.

"Am not, you just suck!" Harry says as he passes me up. He than throws a banana at me.

"That's so not fair!" I scream.

I than get something that makes me laugh evilly. Harry looks at me screen and sees it.

"You better not. Please Kora I will do anything." Harry pleads as he try to race to the finish line to win 1st play.

"Time to unleash the beast." I say as I use the blue shell.

"NO!" Harry screams as it hits him. I pass him up and cross the finish line.

"HAHA!" I laugh loudly as I stand up on the couch and do my victory dance.

"Thats so not fair...... you cheated." Harry said as he slumps on the couch, crosses his arms over his chest and pouts.

"Now you know how it feels to loose." I say as I continue to do m victory dance.

"This is stupid." He pouts.

"Oh well, sucks to suck." I respond.

"Your meannnnnn." He whines.

"Oh well! I won I could care less!" I say as I finish up my victory dance.

"I hate you Carly!" Harry says.

"NOO! You love meeeeee!" I say as I jump down off the couch.

"Yeah..." I hear him mumble.

"Wait.. you loveeee meeee!?" I squeal.

"Of course, your my friend." He smirks.

I make a straight blank face at him that means, 'Don't play with me.' He put his hands up in surrender.

"Nevermind. Forget I said anything, SORRY!" He said.

"Good." I said as I grabbed a slice of pizza and some pop. Harry watched me as I took a bite.

"Why are you watching me eat?" I say after I swallow the bite.

He just stared at me, his blue eyes sparkling inside his big rimmed glasses.

"What???" I say, slightly nervous.

"Nothing, it's just......" He begins.

"Just... what??" I ask.

"Your just so... amazing." He said.

I smile at him. "Amazing, huh?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Well, if were throwing compliment out there I would like to tell you that I really like your blue eyes...." I say. "And your hair, it looks soooo.... soft?"

"That was the worst compliment ever." Harry laughs.

"I'm sorry I'm not good at this. I'm not good at anything. I'm not good at anything. Carly tried to make you meatloaf she burned it and I shamed her for it but than I tried to make you meatloaf but it burned so we ordered a pepperoni pizza your favorite but they gave us Hawaiian pizza, so I made a pizza, it burned, so I had to remake it. I tried to make this living room perfect for you but since Carly burned the meatloaf we switched places, and she dropped the burning candle and caught the blankets and pillows on fire so we had to put it out, and we jus kept messing up and-" I begin but he put his finger on my lips.

"Shh." He says, removing his finger. "I don't care if you guys messed up, and were terrible at things. I don't even care about this being perfect, it's amazing yes, but if you really wanted to hang out with me you could have asked instead of doing all this special stuff." Harry said.

"Yeah but we wanted to make this perfect and we messed it up, we wanted to put all your favorite things in one. And we messed it up, were bad friends." I say.

"No you guys aren't Kora. I love you both they way you are, messed up or not. Perfect or not. Terrible or not." Harry says.

I smile. "Your the best!" I say hugging Harry.

"Haha, I know." He says hugging back.

"Awh, so cute!" We hear a feminine voice say. We turn to see Carly.

Hey guys I just realized how much longer this chapter was than the rest which is completely fine

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Hey guys I just realized how much longer this chapter was than the rest which is completely fine.

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Love y'all! Thanks for the support! And as always.... WATCH YOUR MOUTH ON MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER!

xxVanessa 😘

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