Chapter 2

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Elliott's pov

Last night Noah sent me the schedule in a group chat with two other people.

Monday 8am-1pm
Wednesday 8am-1pm
Thursday 1pm-5pm

When I woke up this morning I got dressed in the store t-shirt, loose black jeans and white converse.

When I get to the shop I'm ten minutes early so I go straight to the back room. The room is empty so I knock on Noah's office.

"Come on in!"

I push the door open and see Noah sitting in his chair typing on his laptop.

"Hi! Your right on time." He says with a smile and closes his laptop half way.

"Um, yeah." He opens a drawer in his desk.

"I made you a name tag to wear on your shirt." he says handing me the name tag. In white stickers with black letters sloppily spells out Elliot. I smile and put the magnetic pin on.

When I lift my hand under my shirt to put the magnetic disc over the top left of my shirt I feel cold against my mid section and side.

I look over at Noah and see him staring at the slip of tan skin exposed. I yank my shirt down and look away feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.

I'm not obese but I know that it wouldn't hurt to lose some pounds. Unlike Noah who has the perfect body, he's skinny but no where near scrawny. I just don't have the motivation to go on a diet or go to the gym. I mean I eat a lot of healthy foods. I think I just eat too much, because when I'm nervous I eat.

"I can show you how I open the shop up." Noah says closing his laptop.

I nod and follow Noah into the shop. He quickly runs me through what to do and at eight Noah flips the open sign around.

I stay behind the counter on a stool and Noah heads back to his office. A few minutes later the bell jingles above the door as a man and two children walk inside.

I greet them and the man smiles and nods at me before looking at the flowers. Noah walks in from the back room and walks behind the counter.

"How was your night?" He asks leaning against the counter.

I shrug "Mm, okay I guess. Kinda boring."

"Better than stressful." He says teasingly.

I smile. "Yeah." I don't know why but I feel my face heat up.

Noah gasps and looks closer with a grin. He's about to say something but the man and his kids walk up to the counter with a bouquet of red roses and babies breath.

Noah helps me ring them up and after they leave he twirls back to face me.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Uh yellow, or blue, or lavender or- um actually I don't know I like a bunch."

He smiles "Your adorable."

I blush and duck my head making him laugh.

We get a few more costumers before our lunch break and pretty much the whole time Noah stayed behind the counter with me. We talked about a bunch of stuff and I couldn't help but realize how great Noah is as a person and a boss.

Too bad he's taken.

At that moment the bell above the door chimes as Noah's boyfriend walks in.

"Matthew!" Noah cheers and rushes into his lover's arms. Matthew smiles and hugs his partner.

I look away and take out my phone. It's a little past noon. The couple talks for a few moments but too quiet for me to eavesdrop.

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