Aliens of London - V (Final)

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Continue from Aliens of London - IV


Mickey crouched down to see the Doctor under the console. "So, what're you doing down there?"


"It's Mickey!" Rose yelled from across the room.

"Whatever." The Doctor rolled his eyes. "If I was to tell you what I was doing to the controls of my frankly magnificent time ship, would you even begin to understand?"

"I suppose not." Mickey said.

"Well, shut it, then." The Doctor spoke, going back under the console.

"Some hero you got Lils." Lily gave Mickey a sad smile as she sat on the console, her short legs dangling off.

"He's just trying to get you mad." Rose said, walking closer to the group. "I am really sorry."

"Everyday, I looked." Mickey said, walking closer to Rose. "On every street corner, wherever I went, looking for a blue box for a whole year."

"It's only been a few days for us." Rose defended her and her best friend. "I don't know. It's, it's hard to tell inside this thing but I swear it's just a few days since I left you. I really did miss you Mickey. Really!"

"I missed you too." Rose smiled at his response then gave him a peck on the cheek.

Lily watched the two of them with a heavy heart. You could clearly tell Mickey still loved her. Though Rose thought of him differently. She has for some time now.

"Now," Mickey continued. "Since you two came back are you both going to stay?"

Rose gave Lily a help me look. She went to speak but the Doctor beat her to it. "Got it! Ha, ha!" The Doctor jumped up from the floor to join them, "Patched in the radar, looped it back twelve hours so we can follow the flight of that spaceship." Lily jumped off the console. "Here we go. Hold on. Come on." he said to the monitor.

"Wait a minute! See that?" Lily pointed to the screen. "The spaceship did a sling shot round the Earth before it landed."

"What does that mean?" Rose asked.

"It means it came from Earth in the first place," The Doctor explained. "It went up and came back down. Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived, they've been here for a while. The question is, what have they been doing?"


Mickey and Rose are channel-hopping on the scanner. "How many channels do you get?" he asked as Rose tried to find the news.

"All the basic packages." The Doctor replied absently. "And yes, I get the football. Hold on, I know that lot."

"It is looking likely that the Government's bringing in alien specialists - those people who have devoted their lives to studying outer space."

"UNIT." The Doctor spoke. "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Good people."

"They weren't in my dreams?" Lily questioned. "How do you know them?"

Dreaming of a Blue Box | The Doctor {1} ✔️ (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now