World War III - IV

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Continue from World War III - III


"There's got to be some way of stopping them!" Harriet demanded. "You're supposed to be the expert, think of something!"

"I'm trying!" The Doctor replied, shaking his head.

"I'll take it on, Jackie. You just run. Don't look back." The group heard Mickey yelled through the phone over the sound of a door breaking. "Just run!"

"Doctor!" Lily called over to him getting his attention. "That's our mother. Please."

And just like that, with one look into Lily's worried eyes, he nodded. "Right, If we're going to find their weakness, we need to find out where they're from. Which planet. So, judging by their basic shape, that narrows it down to five thousand planets within travelling distance. What else do we know about them? Information!"

"They're green." Rose started throwing out facts.

"Yep, narrows it down."

"Good sense of smell?" Lily joined in.

"Narrows it down."

"They can smell adrenalin." Rose added.

"Narrows it down."

"The pig technology." Harriet brought up.

"Narrows it down."

"The spaceship in the Thames, you said slipstream engine?" Lily said.

"Narrows it down."

"It's getting in!" Mickey shouted through the phone.

"They hunt like it's a ritual!" Lily was getting nervous for the fate of her mum and Mickey.

"Narrows it down."

"Wait a minute!" Harriet snapped her fingers gaining the trios attention. "Did you notice? When they fart, if you'll pardon the word, it doesn't just smell like a fart, if you'll pardon the word, it's something else. What is it? It's more like, er -"

"Bad breath!" Lily realized grinning.

"Calcium decay!" The Doctor cried gleefully. "Now that narrows it down!"

"We're getting there Mum!" Lily yelled to the phone.

"Too late!" Mickey called back.

"Calcium phosphate." The Doctor began ranting on. "Organic calcium. Living calcium. Creatures made out of living calcium. What else? What else? Hyphenated surname. Yes! That narrows it down to one planet. Raxacoricofallapatorius!"

"Oh, yeah, great! We could write 'em a letter!" Mickey shouted.


"Get into the kitchen!"

Mickey obeyed, pulling Jackie behind him. They shut the door to the kitchen and then placed a chair in front of it trying to block him off as much as possible. "My God, it's going to rip us apart!" Jackie cried.

Dreaming of a Blue Box | The Doctor {1} ✔️ (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now