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Murphy was pacing back in fourth outside of Bellamy's tent

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Murphy was pacing back in fourth outside of Bellamy's tent. Burning a hole in the ground as he screamed for them to bring Charlotte to him.

Isaac and Octavia had Diana sitting as the dark haired girl looked over her injuries. "It doesn't look broken." Octavia told her. "The swelling should go down in a few hours but the bruising is gonna stick around for like a week, a week and a half maybe."

"I know how long it's gonna take Butterfly, I've had black eyes before." Diana said, frustrated with her circumstances. "Did you see who it was Isaac?"

He nodded. "That idiot Dax."

Dax. A murder, just like her, Dax a had beaten a man to death for stealing his property. They had met once, a breif introduction at school when Diana was seven. Back when they were both good kids, not looked at as dangerous criminals that would snap at the drop of a pin. "Of course." She growled, cracking her knuckles.

At this Octavia placed a hand on her's. "Let's not go around punching people right now." She removed her hand as her cold fingers brushed just under the bruise on Diana's right eye. "You don't want to get another one of these do you?"

"You know Dax is a murderer right Butterfly?" Diana questioned. Isaac raised an eyebrow taking a notice of the nickname Diana dubbed the girl with. Isaac knew that his bestfriend only gave nicknames to the girls she saw something in, he wondered what she saw in Octavia, yes she was very pretty, definitely a heart breaker and that's exactly what he didn't want for Diana, another broken heart.

"I know. Atom told me." Octavia nodded. Bellamy exited the tent and Diana stood.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us." Murphy's voice was still rough from the hanging, as he stopped pacing.

Bellamy shook his head. "Dial it down and back off." He stated, putting an arm out towards Murphy.

"Or what?" The boy tilted his head. "What are gonna do about it? Hang me?" He snapped.

"I was just giving the people what they wanted." Bellamy informed, unhappy with the mess he made.

Murphy nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?" He sounded as if it were only a suggestion while he turned to the large group behind him. "So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor??" He raised his hand as well as a few other delinquents.
Diana was disgusted that Murphy wanted to hang Charlotte, she was only a little girl. "I see." He said looking around at the people around him with a furious demeanour. "So it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!" He screamed.

"Hey, Murphy!" Bellamy shouted over him. "Murphy it's over."

Murphy backed away with his hands up. "Whatever you say boss." As Bellamy turned around Murphy picked up a log and swung it down on the back of Bellamy's head.

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