Hospital • yoonkook

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Caregiver: Yoongi
Little: Jungkook
Age: 2-3

"Jungkook-ah!" Yoongi knocked on the door a couple of times, the breeze was getting colder now that it was winter time. His hair would go side to side from the wind, his hands in his jacket with hot pads inside of them to keep his hands warm as he kept knocking. Jungkook wouldn't answer the door, the older just took his phone out from his jeans and unblocked the phone, texting Jungkook. Halfway through the message, he gave up, knowing he wasn't going to answer any of his hyungs at this time of night.

Yoongi looked around for the spare key jungkook kept, incase of emergency's. He looked underneath the mat, they plants, but it was nowhere, he was getting worried now. He pulled out his phone again and decided to text him.

Kook, open the damn door, its cold.
Read 11:36 pm

Yoongi just groaned, knowing something was wrong. Is he hiding somebody? What is taking him so long?. His thoughts we're cut short as he heard the door open, a whining jungkook hurrying up again to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Yoongi quickly entered, closing the door and sipping down his jacket, putting it on the coat hanger. He walked towards the bathroom and opened the door, a bunny holding onto the toilet seat as he puked once again.

With quick actions, he went towards the kitchen and got him a glass of water and painkillers, rushing towards the bathroom and sitting next to jungkook and placing the glass of water and bottle of painkillers on the ground. Yoongi put his hand on jungkook's forehead, he was hot. He got up and looked for the thermometer, grabbing it from the glass cabinet above the sink.

"Baby, take these, please." Yoongi said, picking up the items from the ground and giving it to him. He didn't hesitate when taking the painkillers and chugged the water bottle down, panting. The older placed the thermometer in Jungkook's mouth, giving it a few seconds right when it said the temperature, 105°.

"Get up, we're going to the hospital." Yoongi said, taking jungkook's arms and helping him up, he was weak, he didn't have any strength in him, yoongi was the one putting the force to get him to the front door, opening it and getting him inside the opened car, buckling him up.

Yoongi went back inside and grabbed a backpack full of jungkook's items, painkillers, bottles, blanket, his phone, jackets and money just incase. The older rushed and turned the lights off, grabbing his jacket and closing the door once he got out, speeding off the car.


"Baby, its okay, there's just going to run a blood test, daddy promises its quick." Yoongi said to his baby. He had turned immediately little once he was inside the hospital, scared and sad, he didn't have anything to cuddle with or stay with while getting his test. Lots of people we're currently on the waiting room, either some had accidents, sick, or getting a check up.

"Jeon Jungkook" The nurse called out, yoongi telling jungkook it was his turn, he didn't want to go in. Yoongi told the nurse and see if he could enter with him, she agreed. Jungkook grabbed yoongi's hand tightly as they both got up and went inside, the nurse closing the door behind them.

"Come this way" The nurse smiled at both of them, showing them the way towards the test room. Yoongi could feel jungkook shake in fear by holding his hand tightly, he never liked getting his blood taken out or get shots, so yoongi had to go with him and calm him down. Once they got inside the test room, jungkook sat down on the chair with the doctor filling up some papers.

"Ok so we're going to be doing the blood test for now, if he does get worse once he is taken up to his room, we will run more test, okay?" The doctor said, jungkook didn't hear a thing, the only thing he felt was getting the white elastic band around his arm and get blood taken out. Yoongi holded Jungkook's hand tightly as he started whining from the pain.

"And we're done!" The doctor said, jungkook taking a breath of relief he was holding on for a while. The doctor.  came up to him and gave jungkook a lollipop for doing a good job. He grabbed some bandages and put one on jungkooks, and smiled. Yoongi thanked the doctor as he left.


"All well baby. We can leave in a couple of hours, okay? We just need to know what u have now." Yoongi said as the nurse came in with a clipboard.

"Ok, jungkook. All you have is a virus and the stomach flu as we call it. You can start feeling better in a few days as long as you rest and eat bland foods. It is also very contagious so I recommend you don't go out for a week or two, okay?" Jungkook said, thanking the nurse with a giggle as she left, closing the door.

"Daddy... wan' cuddle.." Yoongi smiled as jungkook said with a sleepy voice.

"Baby, we can cuddle when we get home in a few hours, okay?" Yoongi said, jungkook whined but gave up after.

After a long night with jungkook, he ended up falling asleep, a blanket wrapped around him and holding hand tightly with yoongi kissing his softly.

"I love you, baby. Im sorry you have to go through this." Yoongi said, lifting up jungkook's hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss.

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