41: Real Talk

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"The trial is simple," Sif told me as I sat down in the library. I was more focused on the scuffs in the tabletop than I was on her words. "Asgard has several levels of courts and generally, the monarchy isn't called onto make legal rulings, however, sometimes they are required to."


"When lower court rulings are inconclusive, but those are more present in history than they are today. More often than not, they just take small civil cases as a show of strength and justice to the people."

"So is that what I'll be doing? Ruling on a civil case?"


"You lost me," I said as I toyed with the elastic on my wrist. "You just said the trial was me ruling on a small civil case like the royal family sometimes does."

"The point of this trial is to see whether or not you can rule justly. Odin felt that a civil case would be too easy a test, so you'll be taking something much more intense."

"Define intense?"

Sif shrugged and shoved her hands into the pocket of her sweatshirt. Eir and his team had finally finished healing her arm. "I don't know the details, but I know enough to tell you that this case is going to be very difficult to decide on."

"And they're going to let me decide? On a real case?" I shook my head. "That's insane!"

"Better they find out if you can do it now than wait until after you get the job."

"But if I don't do it right-."

"Glad you understand how serious this is. That's a promising sign."

My ability to grasp how serious repercussions could be for someone if I screwed up this trial didn't extend to a promising chance as queen. Not with how Thor apparently had lost interest in me. "When do I get the case?" I wasn't even sure if I'd make it to the trial on Friday if things kept going like they were now, but I wasn't completely sure I was going to leave yet. Part of me (the more petty side) wanted to force Thor to admit he didn't want me here and send me away himself, rather than sparring him the awkward conversation by leaving on my own.

"Tomorrow morning, you'll be given the case file to get an overview, you'll have three days to come to a verdict which you will present to the court. Pretty simple, at least in theory." Sif gave me a sheepish grin and pulled her hair from it's updo. "You'll be fine though, I mean you already deal with law in your Midgardian life."

I might be returning to it soon. "Just don't count your chickens before they hatch."

"I'm not," she frowned at me, "are you okay Suzume? You seem troubled."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, if you change your mind just let me know." Sif ran a hand through her hair. "Want to go and spar?"

I couldn't have gotten to my feet any faster. "Yes please."


Two hours later, my limbs were achy and covered in sweat as Sif threw me against the mat one more tip, the tip of her staff up against my throat like a sword. "You're getting better," she remarked, twirling the staff a moment before extending a hand down to me.

"You're still kicking my ass," I groaned as I got back onto my feet, feeling bruises form all over my body.

"You're still only human. Did you want to go again?"

"No, I think I'm gonna head back to my apartment and just relax for a bit. Watch some Netflix or something."

"Did you want company?"

Queen of Asgard (NaNoWriMo2018, Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now