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"Tell me again why we are moving across the country?" I mumble, feeling rather annoyed while I watch my mom pack up my life into thick cardboard boxes. She sighs.

"I've told you this a million times, Emma. The company has offered me a promotion in New York."

I mock her as she turns her back to me, childishly sticking my tongue out in annoyance while slumping down onto the dark wooden floor.

"Isn't it nice that you will be able to walk to school from our house?" She asks, changing the subject although her attention is anywhere but myself at the moment.

At the mention of school I immediately cringe.

I don't think I am going to be able to stand being the new kid, especially my senior year of high school.

"But why do we have to be so far away from the city?" I groan. My mom immediately turns around, putting a hand on her hip.

"Because I want to live in a subdivision, a place surrounded by other families, not in the city where people could care less if you were to have a heart attack in the middle of the street." I roll my eyes at her dramatisation.

She turns back to taping up the boxes while I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling.

Nothing, not even the glorious New York City, is going to make me feel better about this move when I'm being ripped away from my life here in California.

"Okay, that's all of them!" She pats the top of the last box. "It's almost time to go, honey." I look at all the stacked boxes, the only things that are left of my room.

It's not even your room anymore. A rather annoying voice nags from the back of my mind.

I quickly get up from my spot on the floor, exiting the room as fast as possible.

"Emma! What are you doing?" My mom yells after me. But with a turn of my heel, and the flick of my middle finger, I ignore her, running out the back door in hope to escape reality for as long as possible.


l u k e


"Dude, c'mon there's only like a month until we're going to be dragged back into that hellhole. Let lose." He tries to shove yet another drink into my hand, attempting to get me more drunk than he already is.

"I can't, Calum, sorry. I need to get home," I mumble, trying to escape his grasp politely.

"C'mon Lukey pleasee, we could go in the garage and play some Blink-182, or some Green Day...," he begs.

For the past ten minutes, Calum Hood, the cuddly five year old trapped inside the body of a teenage boy, had been standing before me, trying with all of his drunken might to get me to stay at this stupid party.

I don't even know why, honestly.
It's not like anyone could care about ol' Luke Hemmings, with his black clothes and terrible sense of humor.

One of Calum's friends had the honor of throwing the annual, 'Screw school, smoke weed and drink until you get alcohol poisoning' party this year, and the seniors were making it their mission to get everyone completely wasted by two.

"Calum I can't. I need to get home." I glance at the clock on the wall. 1:52 AM. "Like now." I roll my eyes in attempt to mask my nervousness. I can feel the weakness spreading through my veins already, the vulnerability hitting me like a punch in the gut.

My hands begin to shake as Calum continuously stalls me from leaving, each word he speaks becoming a stab in the chest.

The voice that I so achingly long to disappear begins to chant inside my head.


"But Luke," Calum groans, running a hand over his newly added blonde streaks atop his head.

I should've never even agreed to come to this party anyway. I should've known that when Calum said he had a few people that wanted to start a band on Friday night, he was tricking me.

And that is why a grey beanie covers my head, along with a beat up flannel and a pair of baggy black joggers.

"Just one more drink Lukey, it's only one more drink," he persuades. "Just let go and enjoy yourself, what's that saying...yo-low?" Calum giggles at himself as he slowly talks, trying not to mess up his words.

Finally deciding against being polite, I turn away from my drunk friend, quickly pushing my way through the crowd of people until I reach the front door.

I take a minute to lean against the door once I get there, allowing myself deep breaths. As I calm myself down, I close my eyes and plug my ears, pretending that I am anywhere but at this stupid party with these stupid people.



"Leave me alone!" I yell, not quite sure if it is in my head or actually out loud. As if the voice is laughing at me, the chanting gets louder. I stumble out into the yard, both hands pressed to the sides of my head.

Without warning, a bloodcurdling scream erupts from my throat. I clench my eyes shut and resort to pressing my forehead against the cool ground. I drop to my knees and do just that.

My breathing heavies and my teeth begin to chatter as an odd sensation takes me over.

Something in my head suddenly clicks, and I remember that the clock is still ticking, and time has not frozen just for me. I blink rapidly in attempt to quickly restore my vision. Nervously, I pull out my phone to check the time.




Photograph - Ed Sheeran

Why'd you only call me when your high? - Arctic Monkeys

Fireproof - One Direction

Wherever you are - 5 Seconds of Summer

Elastic heart - Sia

A Drop in the Ocean - Ron Pope

Downtown Love - G-Eazy

Afire Love - Ed Sheeran

Give me love - Ed Sheeran

In my Veins - Andrew Belle

Trouble (Stripped) - Halsey

These are mainly the songs I listen to while writing but if you have other requests for songs for me to listen to, comment them here pleaseee

So much Ed Sheeran but yanno

I'm excited for this story ajakakja


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