white out

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if we could
we would all use white out
to cover all of our mistakes
to make it were no one could see it anymore

but really there is no white out
when you make mistakes
they dont go away
sometimes they get fixed

but they will always be there
to regret and remeber
and to drown yourself in
but you shouldnt

its human to make mistakes
but if you drown in the mistakes you make
there isnt anyone to save you
they watch and cry

they watch and wish that you got over it
they blame it on themselves
when really they had nothing to do with it
when you drown so do they

dont drown in you mistakes
or insecurities
or sadness
or even anger

there wont always be someone to save you
so keep the ones that will
just because there isnt white out
doesnt mean there is no helping

scribble it out
make it better
use what you have
white out doesnt fix the mistake

it will only cover it
untill everytjing falls
so use what you have
and fix it

before you all drown
it white out
we wish we had

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