Chapter 4

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Wait.......look I think you are looking for someone else I only have two kids. Said Fp.

Did you and Alice Cooper have sex 17 years ago? Asked Y/n

How did you know that? Asked Fp.

I am your daughter Alice had me raised as Hal's child and I knew he wasn't and I might of kind of have no place to stay now since I'm not going back. Said, Y/n.

Look how do I know you are telling the truth. Asked, Fp.

I don't know but please believe me. Said, Y/n.

Look this is what's going to happen you are going to call your mother and have her meet us somewhere and we can take it from there okay. Said, Fp.

Yeah. Said, Y/n

Y/n call Alice to meet her somewhere. They agreed to meet at pops. Fp took his motorcycle and Y/n wanted to always go on one so they went together. The three are at pops in a booth. Y/n is sitting by the window next to Fp, while Alice is sitting across from them.

So you wanted to talk Fp. Said, Alice.

Yes, is it true that Y/n is my daughter?

..........No, it's not true. said, Alice.

Stop lying Alice if you don't tell him the truth I will leave this town get another identity so you could never find me again. So if you don't want that then you will tell him the truth. Said, Y/n.

Yes, Fp she is your daughter. Said, Alice.

Why didn't you tell me about her? Asked Fp.

You were married. We both told Gladys and Hal that we cheated but I never told Hal that Iwa pregnant with your baby then I got pregnant he didn't believe me that it was his but he raised Y/n as his own. Said, Alice.

I had a right to know Alice. Said, Fp.

Yes, I know that. Alice said but was interrupted by Y/n.

No, you are not you have been lying to me since day one. Said, Y/n.

Look now that Fp knows will you come home, please. Said, Alice.

No, I am not going back to your house unless you and Hal get a divorce. I don't care what either of you say I'm not living with you, Alice. Said, Y/n.

Look I know you are angry with Alice but she is still your mother. Said, Fp.

No, she isn't. Said, Y/n while glaring at Alice as Alice's heart breaks.

Dad, what are you doing here with some of the Coopers? Asked Jughead Jones.

Boy, what are you doing here? Asked Fp.

I asked first. Said, Jughead.

I had to talk to Alice and her daughter came to see me at the worm. Said, Fp.

Oh. Said, Jughead.

You went to the bloody worm. Yelled Alice quietly at Y/n. 

Well, you are no longer the boss of me I am turning 18 in two months so it doesn't really matter anymore. Said, Y/n.

Well, I am going to get going see ya dad. Said Jughead.

See ya. Said Fp.

So Fp are you going to leave or will you be in my daughter's life? Said, Alice.

One, she is our daughter two, she can stay with me if she wants and three, the reason why I didn't tell Jug about you is that I wasn't sure if you are ready for that. Said, Fp saying the last thing to/n.

It's okay. Said, Y/n while hugging Fp.

*This is it next week I won't be updating a lot I have to go somewhere for school that I am not happy about but I can try*

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