Blossoming love

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Kaneki's PoV:
I felt his lips suddenly on mine and pull back in shock and cover my mouth. I look up at him, embarrassed as ever. He chuckles and pats my head. I look away. Hide just kissed me..., I blush more. I stood up and walked out of the room and sit on my bed thinking about what just happened.

Hide's PoV:
I watched Kaneki walk away, I don't know if I did something wrong or not... after all I thought he liked me. I stoop up and took our stuff to the kitchen and washed up.

Well... thought... isn't me knowing for sure if he did or didn't... but I feel like when I'm with Kaneki we don't act the way friends would, Sure we might do normal things but I feel like our times out are more like what a couples would be! Umm... other than thinking about running over little kids...^^but that moment my hand touched his was like some cliche high school love movie where they kiss one another and fall in love, then end up being the happiest couple with that one girl who tried to steal the boy away. Even so, I should probably apologise for pulling stunts like that. I walk to Kaneki's room and knock before walking in and "Kaneki-"

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