Chapter 21 (The girl)

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"OY!" A girls voice interupted me. We turned our heads. No one. I looked back at Abtainian. Behind her was a small girl. She tapped on Abtainans sholder. Abtainian shot around. She was gone. *poff!* My head was suddenly in suddenly someones lap. A small hand was holding my head in place.  Abtainian faced me. Wait. If its not her than who...? I looked up. A girl with yellow goggles on her eyes was above me. She gave a yelp. And head suddenly hit the ground. I quickly stood up. I looked around. No one but me and Abtainian. *WACK!* I rubbed my aching head. A object touched my feet. A potato? I picked it up.  A note was straped to it.


I looked up. The girl was sitting on a nearby tree branch. "What th-". I was interupted when she jumped atop of me. I got caught her in my arms. She was very light. She burried her head in my chest. I gently shook her. She sayed still. Except for a few short breaths. Abtainian looked at me. She gave a glare. In a way I guess I was greatful for the girl innterupting. "What should we do?" I whispered to her. She looked at the girl. Her big dark grey hoodie was covering her head. She had black leggings going down to her ankles. Dark blue army boots where on her feet. Abtainian just kept glaring at me. "Look. I don't know what the hell I did to you but you need to get over it." I said to her quite rudely. She looked shocked and angry. "I'll kill you. Every one of you. You'll aLl SeE.". She teleported away. So that's how she goes so fast.... The girl stirred a little.  Then her eyes shot open. She rolled off my arms and fell head first to the grassy forest floor. "Owwwweee!!!" She whined. She brought a hand to her head. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "I am fine!". She shot up. "I don't normaly sleep. But when I do I sleep I fall asleep quickly." She said to me. I nodded. That exsplains SOME of it. "How did you end up in the woods?" I asked her. "Where are your parents?" I added. "Yeah... About that...". She paused. "Well! I best be going!" She said happly. "I need to talk to Abtainian before I create a paradox!". She skiped away. I grabbed her wrist. "Who are you?" I asked her. She turned twards me. "Now Nelsey. I've helped you two time today. Cut me some slack." She said to me, her words where traced with venom. "How do you know my name?!" I yelled. "..Not yet.". She started to giggle. "I'll be watching!" She yelled. I blinked and she was gone.

???? POV

I warped away. "Jeez.. You'd think he'd be a little more greatful.". I saw Abtainian standing about 5ft away from me. "Sup." I said while leaning my elbow on a tree, trying to look cool. "Who are you and why are you following me?!" She yelled at me. Why do I make these people with such hostility? I sighed. "Look. I just need to get something done before a disaster happeneds." I said as calmly as I could. "Say a message." I told her. She tiltled her head. "And direct it to Jackie." I added. "Hi?" She replied. I nodded happly. Yay! Everything happened like it was suppose to! I snaped my fingers. A potato appeared out of thin air. I quickly grabbed it before it hit the ground. I took my notepad and pen out of my jacket and tore a page. I wrote on the paper.

Abtainian says hi

I smiled and put my pen and note pad away. I kissed the potato. It began to glow a bright white. Then I threw it twards a tree. I watched as a portal formed and the potato went in it with great speed. I dusted off my hands. "Thank you Abtainian!" I said as I begain to walk away. "Wait. wha-". I warped away before she could finish. I hummed while I looked at my suroundings. Sipsco. I warped inside. I saw Sijn sitting on a chair reading a book on Farming. I quietly walked past him, into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a bucket of water and some veggables. I went into a chest and pulled out some wheat, potatos, some spices, and a pot. I put the water into the pot and put it over a furnace. I started chopping up veggies with the dagger I always had on me. I added the veggies into the pot along with some spices. I grounded up to wheat and made flour. I added water and made dough. I put the dough in the furnace and added more spice and the potatos and veggies into the pot. It smelled amazing. Once the bread started to brown, I took it out and set it to cool.  Hot! Hot!!!!! I blew on my burning hands. I took the stew off the furnace and set it on the table, rembering to get it off with a piece of cloth this time. I got out a bowl and spoon and served myself some food, getting more potatos than veggables. "Hey Sips. Watcha cooking?". I nearly choked on my soup and bread when I saw Sijn come into the kitchen. He just stoped and stared at me. I got up, grabbed another bowl and spoon , servered some soup and bread and handed it to him. He took the bowl and sat down at the table with me. "Your not going to question me?" I asked his as I ate another spoon full of potatos. "Nah. You made dinner!." He replied happly. Wait. What? "Jee. Well that'll be a first." I said to him. "Sooooo you met the others? I haven't ever seen you around before." He said to me as he ate a piece of bread. "Its a long story. I know all of you, but you don't know me.". I paused and took out my pocket watch. I closed it and put it in my pocket again. "Speaking of witch, I have to go soon." I said as I started stuffing more potatos and soup in my mouth. "If you know everybody. What's my name?" He asked me sketpiticly. "Easy. Sijn!" I said happly. He looked at me shocked. "And your work partner and best friend is Sips!". He just stared at me with a shocked look his face. "Didn't your mother ever tell you its very rude to stare?" I said as I crossed my arms. "Speaking of mothers, where's yours?" He asked me. "Your just a babby." He added. "I can take care of myself just fine!" I pouted. I looked back at my pocket watch. I began to pace back and forth. "I got to go!" I said as I started to fast walk twards the door. "Wait!" He yelled as I walked out the door. I popped my head back in. "Yes?" I asked him. "What's your name?" He asked me. "Not yet dum dum!" I giggled as I warped away. I snaped and a potato appeared. I kissed the potato, repeating the same prosses as before. I threw the potato on the ground and jumped into the portal. Jackie-chan here I come!

Hi! Sorry for not updating in FOREVER!!!! I love each one of you fabulous potatos! But, who was that girl? Will we ever know her name? Will Ash beat a gym leader in battle? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF POKEMON!!!!!


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