Chapter 13

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Alec opened the door and I peeked inside. The room was dimly lit with a strange blue light, but otherwise the Decoding Sector looked a lot like the Assistant sector: with its long tables and rows of computers, although it was much more spacious. There were dozens of people roaming around, engaged in conversation.

"So this is it," Alec concluded. "You're timings are twelve to five P.M."

I glanced at my watch. It was one.

"If you need any help from me, I'll be in the Weapons Sector, okay?"

"Okay," I answered.

"See you soon." He gave a final nod, turned around and started walking down the corridor.

Heather. I could no longer contain my uneasiness for her.

"Alec, wait," I blurted out.

He turned around. "Yeah?"

Would she be placed in a sector, like Anna and I? But if they were going to do that anyway, then why the separation?

Maybe these people are going to do something to her.

My heart trembled at that thought. If they hurt'd be all my fault, and it wouldn't be possible for me to live with that guilt for the rest of my life.

No, I thought. Nothing can happen to Heather. It wasn't part of the deal.


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh! Sorry, I—I just...I wanted to ask you what sector Heather would be in."

He sighed, running a hand through his brown hair. "I don't know."

Fear erupted inside of me. What was going to happen to her? I gulped, shifting my weight from foot to foot. What if the colonel backed out on what we had agreed to?

"But don't worry," Alec said quickly. "Heather will be fine. I don't know what sector she's going to be in, but nothing's going to happen to her."

"Are you sure?" I asked, still doubtful.

"She'll be alright," he reassured me. Then he continued, "I should get going. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay," I said. I managed a weak smile, and he returned it. He turned around, walked further down and went inside a room.

Weapons sector, I thought.

I plodded over to the dorms. Placing my hand on the silver, shining handle, I opened the door. The female dorms was to my right.

I walked in. I found myself in a long corridor similar to the one with the sectors. I stood in front of Room 1, and looked at my slip of paper once more. Room 53.

I sighed. I had some walking to do.

It took an eternity to reach my room. The hallway stopped at Room 25, and the only other way was taking a left. Twenty-five more rooms. Right. Three more rooms.

At last, I dragged my suitcase inside Room 53 and looked around the place. It wasn't spacious, but it was decent. A bunk bed occupied one corner of the room, flanked by a long, wooden closet. A study desk was placed opposite to the bed, upto the cream-coloured wall. A door stood next to the desk, which I assumed led to the bathroom.

Alec's words came to my mind. You'll be sharing your room with another person.

Another person...

I remembered what Alec had told me about being human. They'll think of you as an outsider. I hoped my roommate would be someone like him and not Mileva.

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