Ocean Blues (Percy Jackson x ftm!reader)

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Percy Jackson
The sounds of waves filled my ears as I read. Coming to a beach house for vacation was a wonderful idea and I was thankful Percy came up with it. I didn't like sand very much, but luckily the house has a deck I can sit on, so I can still enjoy the ocean.
I glanced up to see Percy playing in the water. He wasn't too happy when I declined his offer to go with him, but he seems to have long forgotten that. He jumped into the waves, which made me cringe. I used to do that, but I would always get massive bruises from the force of the waves. I guess that's one of the perks of being a child of Poseidon. The waves can't hurt you.
His gaze drifted to me and he did a dramatic wave. Well, it was more like him swinging his arm around wildly. I replied with a small wave back. He gestured for me to join him, but I shook my head. He glared at me for a second and then began walking toward the deck. I didn't move, trying to figure out what his plan was, until he got to the stairs of the deck. I stood up, setting my book down. "Perseus Jackson, I swear to the gods. Dont you dare pick me up." I growled playfully. He smirked as if this was a challenge. He moved closer and I began to run. He ran after me and eventually caught me. He lifted me over his shoulder and laughed. "You can't escape!"
I wiggled, trying to get out of his grip as he started back for the water. "Percy! I don't want to get wet!" I shouted. "Put me down!"
He laughed again. "Okay." And just like that he dropped me. Instead of putting me on the sand, like I would prefer, he dropped me straight into the water.
It was like ice when I first hit it. "What the hell?!" I yelled as I stood up, absolutely freezing. I glarsd at him. "Come here! I'm going to kill you!" I yelled, chasing him around the beach.

Sorry for the long silence. I've been busy. Hopefully since I'm out of school for now, I can get a couple of these done every week. 😌 No promises though.

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