Chapter 13: Criminal

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Chapter 13: Criminal

What? Murdered?

I couldn't believe what I heard, much less try to look at Doctor Blackwell, as he walked the length of our living room, passed the small window, only to stop by an artwork on the wall; an artwork that I had done as a child.

It sucked. I know. The artwork, I mean. But this was so much worse. A million times worse. I mean, me? A murderer?!

Dad was the first one to break the silence. Like me, he was getting red on the face, probably jittery on his legs too. He was not quick to panic. But this instance? Nah-uh. He would do anything but.

So that's why I understood when he shouted, "Murder?!" He gasped. "Who on earth could Pax murder? And how can you possibly think she can do that in the first place?"

Mom quickly pressed a hand on dad's chest, when he was about to advance, halting him in an instant. But she, too, glared at Doctor Blackwell, seeking for an explanation as well. "You must be mistaken, Doctor," she said. "Our daughter is not a criminal. Missing, yes—"

"If you can please just sit down—"


"But of course. . ." Doctor Blackwell played the part of an understanding person well. Of a person who was part of the grieving process of two shocked parents, when in fact, he was anything but.

Meanwhile, up the stairs, Audra pulled me down right beside her, gritted her teeth, pointed to the window when I was about to get up, to remind me of the dangers.

But I was more than willing to jump out. To defend myself. I mean, what the heck of a crazy lunatic were these people, suddenly blaming me for this?

"Control yourself," Audra whispered. "Your parents."

I took a sharp breath. But of course. . . It wasn't just me they were going to hurt if this all blows over— it was my parents too.

But what was I supposed to do? Just listen to these accusations?

Doctor Blackwell pressed his thick-rimmed glasses up his nose again. "I realize that this is all very shocking to you," he spoke, voicing each word carefully to them. "But according to the reports, your daughter was unstable to begin with."

"Unstable?" My dad was shaking now, looking like he was about to lose control himself. "Pax? Unstable? Why, she's just a teenager!"

"Teenagers had committed crimes before."

"But this is my daughter we're talking about." Anger flashed on dad's face. "Pax is an introvert, not a harm to society. She's just a silent child. How can anyone suspect her?"

Doctor Blackwell shook his head. "You will find, Mr. Leighton, that the quietest people can be the most dangerous ones. I should know. . . After all, my parents, who had been the greatest geneticist in their time had labeled me as such before."

My dad didn't have to say anything to this.

So Doctor Blackwell proceeded accordingly. "Here's what happened. After the students belonging to Pax's school agreed to take the cure for XQ21, willingly, your daughter snuck into one of the medical rooms stationed there, and saw the perfect opportunity to take revenge."

"Revenge on who?" mom said.

Doctor Blackwell shifted on his feet. "A year ago, your daughter was humiliated on the school stage by a student named Audra Gillis. You might not be aware of it, as with most parents are with their children's private lives in school. But the reports submitted to us by the Principal said that Pax was. . . greatly disturbed by this incidence, and might had been planning for revenge ever since.

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