Tentacle Porn

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This is not about Shoji.


Midoriya may be cute, those smiles that will make every depressed living thing smile with him. That flawless porcelain skin. Adorable freckles spread in his pinkish cheeks and cute button nose. Not to mention that fluffy hair that frames his face perfectly, illuminating an angel's halo above his head.


Just dang!

No one really knows what is Midoriya's quirk. He never showed ot to anybody. He didn't see the need to show off his power since his planning to go underground anyway.

Everytime that he needed to use his quirk, there's a malfunctioning camera unable to record what had transpired.

But not this time.

He's just discussing quirk usage with his classmates when Monoma that bitch barged in their classroom.

"You 1-A are such pushovers, even your teacher is one!"

Everyone is quite as they try to process what this kid is saying. Monoma's outburst met many protest that's coming from his classmates. Most of them coming from Iida.

"How could you say that, you shouldn't disrespect a teacher especially mock them!"

The nerve of this guy pissed the fuck outta him.

Considering that Midoriya is one of Aizawa-sensei's closest student. The man taught him many things, defended them from enemies, protected them from danger as best as he could. Even risking his life for them.

Damn, the teacher even spilled his coffee just for that useless midget. Who was that again?!

The coffee, dude.

The coffee.....

Just for that wimpy kid.

You know? Baby dipper.

Yeah whatever.

And just for this sonovabitch to mock him.

Oh, no.

That bastard's not gonna get away from that.

Midoriya let his quirk activate as the sclera of his right eye turned inky black, the pupils gaining a vibrant shade of bloody red and small cracks is seen around his eyes. Four long appendages start to protrude from his back, tearing the fabric of his school uniform.

He calls it kagune.

A rinkaku kagune to be specific.

And no, he doesn't eat humans.

The kagune moved and sharpened in his will, the red pulsing veins decorating it made it look even more dangerous.

Not one second and the tip of Midoriya's sharpened kagune is pointed against Monoma's neck. The coward shrieked and took a step back.

"What the hell!"

"I can't believe this, a student is threatening me! Aren't you going to do anything, you old man?!"

Ah, Aizawa-sensei is here. Maybe he can bribe the man with coffee so he can get away with this.

His classmates didn't seem to mind him pointing a sharp object in a student's neck. The only reaction he got from them is shock, probably because of his quirk. But nonetheless, they seem to approve of what he's doing.

"You deserve it."

Midoriya tried to muffle his laugh when he heard the grumpy teacher's reply.

He regretted it tough.



He continued to choke as his remaining three kagunes flailed around, a rough smack on his back helping him to recover. Aizawa-sensei's courtesy, as he saw him grin creepily and walked to the podium and took a seat.

"I'll leave it to you problem child"

I love that word, PROBLEM CHILD.

Midoriya smirked dangerously as he made his way in front of Monoma. He wondered if this guy will scream as he peel the skin off of him. Will he cry as he gutted him out. Will he beg for him to stop as he fingered the dripping slit of Monoma's throat, crimson liquid flowing down his half-dead body.

Damn, this shit almost sounds like a dirty fucking fantasy.

Well it is a fantasy.

But not dirty.

No, it's dirty because of the blood.

Can we please stop now?!.

He just hope he can do that, but he's training to be a hero. So as much as he want to kill this blonde bimbo, he'd rather not.

"Talk like that about about my dad again and your dead. I think you have heard about this really cute quote but I'm going to say it anyway. 'Lay a finger and you lose your hand, lay another and you lose your head.' If you ever step foot in here, I'll break every bone in your body."


I didn't hear any reply, the only thing that registered to my raging brain -sorry to dissapoint you, it's not a raging boner- is Monoma's terrified face.

My kagune softened in retire as I relaxed. This bitch is not a threat anymore. Despite that, my kagune continued to flail like madman, slick oozing down it's 'body'.

What the fuck.

It's mucus.

Jesus, my kagune's thirsty for blood and action.

"You should leave now, unless you want to be raped. I'm not really in the mood to play tentacle porn with you. Sorry about that, maybe next time"

Monoma's eyes widened, it almost popped out of it's socket.His mouth flew open, his jaw hitting the polished tiled floor. The janitor just cleaned it, you know.

" Wha... "

Midoriya is sleepy and he needs coffee, that reminds him. He still needs to bribe Aizawa-sensei.

He hurriedly grabbed Monoma's shoulders and shoved him out of the classroom. Coming face to face with Itsuka who is too late to prevent Monoma from causing trouble.

"Itsuka-san, tell Monoma to choke on a dick!"


" I said, tell Monoma that there's coke in the ditch! "

He slammed the classroom's door close as he sat back in his seat.

"No one messes with dad"

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