Chapter 3: The Chase

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It was a month after the ballroom date. Draco and Hermione had to act like they absolutley hated each other, when around friends, and in class, but after hours, they we're only with eachother. Every friday, they would go to the Room of Requirement and dance the night away. She had to make sure that she made it back before Ron and Harry woke up, and when they found out she was gone, they would ask questions. 

"I can't wait for the Hogsmede trip!" Hermione told Harry and Ron Friday evening at supper.

"You? excited for a day away from the nearest book? There's something I haven't heard before." Ron smirked. But before he could continue, Harry elbowed him in the stomach, as a clear sign to STFU. 

"excuse us for a moment, please, Hermione." Ron was about to walk out of the Great Hall. Then he remembered Harry. he back-tracked, grabbed harry's arm, which made him drop the french fry he had in his hand, and pull him out of the hall, just beside the door. No one would hear him yelling anyway, right? It was loud enough in there to power a plane. 

"What the bloody hell was that for??!!" Ron demanded.

"Well, Ronald, i think you need to learn to be a bit nicer. She's a girl. They're.... umm..." Harry tried to find the right word, but he couldn't think of it. "Well, you know what I mean! maybe if you we're nicer to her, you two might become better friends."

"We"ve been friends since our first year! Remember?"

"Remember when we almost got eaten my a giant three headed dog, and I got attacked by Voldemort for the first time in ten years? No, I don't." Harry said with a cheeky grin at the end.

"Why thank you sergent sarcasam." Ron said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Come on, Hermione will probably wondering where we are. Plus I think that they've started dessert!" 

Both boys ran into the hall, but came to a halt when they we're about ten paces away from Hermione, when they slowed down to a casual walk ( as casual as you can when you just ran) and sat down.

"And what exaclty was that about?" Hermione asked, suspiciously. She knew that SOMETHING was up, she just didn't know what.

"Oh, nothing, just a quick chat."

"Alright, but I'm onto you two." hermione told the two boys, teasingly. Then she looked at her watch. "I had better go. I want to get lots of rest for tomorrow. See you boys tomorrow morning!" Then she ran out of the Hall quickly, dropping her bag. 

"Wait, Hermione! you dropped your bag!!" But she was out of the hall before she would have been able to hear Harry. "Come on Ron, we better go bring this up to her."

"But I'm not finished!" Ron whined with a mouthful of chocolate cake.

"I Don't care! You can get some later!!" Harry pulled him by the arm, making him drop his cake, and dragged him out of the hall with Ron saying "Not again!"

As they walked up the stairs, they saw someone run past them in a dress. "What was that?" Ron asked, still flustered from almost being run over by a blur of colour. 

"I have no idea, but once we drop our bags off in the common room, we're gonna find out." Harry said while breaking into a run for the portrait of The Fat Lady, saying the password, waiting, while she opened up, then bolted through the entrance, threw the bags in a couple of arm chairs, and then making another bolt for the corridor the person ran down. 

"Harry---- WILL--- YOU--- SLOW--- DOWN???" Ron yelled through trying to catch his breath. When Ron finally caught up, they tried to figure out which way the person went. 

"I think she went this way, towards the tapestry." They quickly walked towards the tapestry, but in front of them was a dead end.

"Well, what now?" ron asked while looking around, wondering why a person would come down here, and dissappear when there's a dead end. 

" I don't know, but we'll have to ask Hermione tomorrow. Come on, let's go back to the common room. We might as well do our homework now, so we won't be doing it last minute Monday morning."

"Harry, either you've been spending too much time with Hermione, or your going compleatly mental on me." Ron told him as they went back to the common room to stuggle through the boatload of homework they're teachers had given them for ove rthe weekend.

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