Ch 34 - the last one (part 1)

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Obito POV-

I was laying very quietly on Kushina's and Minato's couch.
It had been a few days since I got my heart surgery and had the seal removed, i was asked to Stay at the hospital for two days, the second being today, I have just been discharged.
And to celebrate a surgery well done Kushina was making dinner for the whole team.

Oh right! Did I mention?
Orochimaru has already deserted the village, a few days before my surgery, a full two years too early.
We tried to fix it, you know since Konoha could use him, but apparently, him becoming evil
Is a set moment.
And to be honest it's a bit frightening,  exactly because it's two years too early.
I know for a fact that he was not done experimenting on Tenzou at this point, so we really have to find him soon and fast.

"So deep in think you'd actually ever be able to do that" Kushina said, and I realized that she leaned over the side of the couch hovering above my head with a smug expression on her face.

"Ha..ha...I just got discharged from the hospital after a heart surgery..cut me some slack.." I said and yawned as soon as I finished my last sentence.

"So you're trying to say that you're just...tired?"

"what else?"

"I'd expect anything from you at this point honestly..."



"Sensei...could we talk?" Rin Asked and tugged lightly at Minato's sleeve, him and Kushina was currently washing the dirty dishes.

"Sure, What is it Rin?"

"A-Actually. It's the whole team, and a bit...private...sorry kushina"

"Ah don't apologize, I understand, you can go upstairs and talk while I finish the dishes"

We all nodded to that and went upstairs with minato, where we then walked into his office.

"Is something wrong, since you all wanna talk?"

Kakashi's and Rin's stare quickly went from Minato to me.

'Thanks guys..'

"Sensei there's something we- I have wanted to explain for a long time.."

"..." Minato didn't say anything, waiting for me to explain further.

I could feel the pulse in my throat beating rapidly, this was nerve wracking.

"Minato...-" his eyebrow raised slightly, he was used to me calling him sensei. "-you had a lot of suspiciousness towards me right? Because I wasn't acting like myself.."

"Yes...yes I'm sorry to say I did, but I no longer-"

"Which was a mistake" I cut him off and took a deep breath, Rin put her hand on my shoulder, she knew how hard this was for me.
Because I had told her.

"What do you mean obito?"

I sighed deeply once more, gathering the courage to continue. "I am not..who you think I is true that I'm Obito Uchiha, but not the one you know"

"Continue" Minato Said, squinting his eyes, trying to read me.

"Oh to hell with it!...I'm Obito Uchiha and I come from 17 years into the future, brought back to change things in the past"

"Obito hold on, if this is some prank-"

"Sensei..he's telling the truth. Kanabi bridge, the mist attack, Orochimaru's betrayal..obito predicted them all, and that's how we were able to prevent some really horrible things"

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