Monday, September 15th, 2014

48 3 0


Dear Diary,

I was half right about the Terry Fox run. The run wasn't completely impossible. It was what happened after that will scar me for life: After the run, I collapsed on the grass with Bobbi and her friends Paul and Brandon. I had a crush on Brandon last year. Until Bobbi told my mom!

Okay, back to the topic. I was really thirsty and I made that oh, so clear. Brandon handed me his water-bottle to do a "waterfall". That's when you just let the water fall out of the bottle and into your mouth. I had never done that before, but to spare myself teasing, I tried it anyway. And drenched myself. And that's not even the worst part. The water that did make it into my mouth, I spat out in response to being soaked and soaked Brandon by mistake. I just sat there, drenched and laughing my head off. Luckily for me he just laughed it off. But two minutes later, Janessa runs up behind me and dumps her entire water-bottle my head. I lost it and tackled her in the middle of the field. Right in front of the entire prep school. She wasn't mad, but the humiliation was enough to kill me. I trudged back over to my group to see that Bobbi had also drenched herself and Paul with her water-bottle.

So in the end, me, Bobbi, Paul, and Brandon walked back to our classrooms, looking like we had jumped in the shower.

The end.

Until next time,


Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now