bitch on the side chapter 5

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Next morning

I woke up to the sound of Curtis singing don't get me wrong he has a nice voice but its not some thing you wont to wake up to.

Me: kmt hush yeah mouth man! I turned over on my side and got up I kicked him on the leg as I walked past and he fell of his computer chair.

Curtis: bitch watch! He shouted as I left the room I laughed and stepped into the warm shower. I and Curtis were going shopping today as there was ball coming up at are school and we had to look the part Shane and Curtis are the only one of my main friends that still go to school the rest are either in collage or don't bother don't do shit with there life but bang guns fuck gyal smoke weed and make money. I stepped out shower wrapping my spongy towel around my body and walked slowly into Curtis's room as I entered I noticed my bag had been emptied out and Curtis was about to pick up the picture. Panic ran through my body he couldn't see it. I stood still in the door way as he turned over the picture and looked at it. He scrunched up his face and looked closer trying to work out what the picture was. He gasped and dropped the picture covering his mouth. I walked fully into the room tears rolling down my cheeks.

Me: cur-Curtis please don't be mad?

He looked up at me with so much disappointment in his eyes he kept shaking his head at me I stepped closer to him but he moved away from me putting out his hand to stop me.

Curtis: your pregnant he whispered still shaking his head it was like he couldn't believe it

Curtis: YOU'RE FUCKING PREGNANT! He screamed at me picking up the picture and holding it up. I shook my head still crying how he could go through my things when it has fuck all to do with him!

Curtis: ANSWER ME! I jumped as his voice bellowed at me. He looked so vex with me it was like he was going to exploded

Me: no! I snapped

Curtis: DON'T LIE WHATS THIS THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS EZMIA! He through the picture at me and I quickly court it.

Curtis: im not asking you again he said through gritted teeth unclenching and clenching his fists so tight his knuckles had turned white.

Me: it's my baby Curtis I whispered feeling weak for some reason I just wonted to forget about it even for today just get through the day and not have to deal with this baby shit. Curtis almost collapsed on the bed holding his head in his hands he sat with his back towards me.

Me: im sorry Curtis I was going to tell you its just like I wonted to tell Jermaine first see what he wonted.

Curtis: you think his gonna wont a baby with you Ezmia his already got a youte on the way what makes you think his gonna won't another you fool! He hissed with his back still towards me.

Me: what?

Curtis: you fucking heard me you're going to have to get rid of it!

Me: Curtis are you fucking stupid this hasn't got fuck all to do with you this is mine and Jermaine's baby his going to wont are baby because this is his flesh and blood...

Curtis: YOU REALLY THINK HIS GOING TO WONT YOUR FUCKING YOUTE HE THINKS YOU'RE A HOE EZMIA LOOK AT THE FUCKING WAY HE TREATED YOU HE DIDN'T EVEN LIKE YOU YOUR JUST A DUTTY FUCK DON'T YOU SEE YOUR NOTHING TO HIM AND NITHER IS YOUR YOUTE! I shook my head trying to block out his cruel words why would he say that my friend telling me to get rid of my baby. But then if he was wrong why was what his saying sound so right why does it sound like some thing I can hear Jermaine saying. My body gave away and I slid down the wall crying I couldn't deal with this shit im too young. I wrapped my hands around my belly and banged my head as hard as I could on the wall I just kept doing it my body was just numb I couldn't feel any thing curtis turned around and watched me for a bit until he saw the blood on his wall. He shot up and scooped me up in his arms and cradled me like a baby. My whole body was shaking I put my head back and let out a loud whale all the anger all the sadness and hurt I felt I just let it out in Curtis's arms. He held me tight and rocked me back and forth kissing my head.

Curtis: im so sorry Ez I didn't mean it im so sorry he held me closer to his body and kept kissing my forehead he trailed his kisses down from my forehead to my nose then to my lips and kissed me passionately no tongues nothing just a smooth sweet kiss. I opened my eyes as he pulled away from me. We sat staring at each other not saying a word me still firmly in his arms what just happened.         

sorry its short hope you enjoy

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