Hawk Moth's Identity?

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"You are Hawk Moth?!"
We both turned our heads around to the direction and saw the cat in black suit...

Marinette's PoV

I looked at the time in shock. ~It's already 13:05? Crap! I didn't even know time was fast spend!~ "Uhm... I... I...", I stammered over my words. "Answer me!" "Nooroo?", I faced him. "Give me the miraculous!" "I... can't", I whispered. "I don't want to fight you, Marinette! But I'll have to if you don't give me your miraculous, Hawk Moth!" When he called me Hawk Moth I felt my heart break apart. "But not today. I'll give you one week to think about giving me the butterfly miraculous", with these words he jumped back out of the window. ~He didn't even look back~ It was very quiet. If you listened very well, you could have heard my heart break into millions of pieces. I started sobbing. ~He thinks I'm capable of turning innocent civilian into disgusting vilians~ My eyes filled with tears of sadness, but it mixed with big anger. I grethet my teth and fell on my knees.

Nooroo's PoV

I felt her negative energy growing with every second. I got so used to use my powers for harming people and I was also capable of doing it without my holder. ~No, Nooroo. If I do that, then I'm not much different than Hawk Moth~ I was mentally fighting with myself. "I want revenge!", I heard Marinette whispering next to me. That's when it really hit me and I couldn't control myself anymore. Suddenly a white butterfly appeared in front of me. As usual I surrounded it with my hands.

"The pain of a teenage girl who feels betrayed by her beloved one. You know what you have to do, my dear Akuma", I said. A black cloud surrounded my hands and as I opened it a black butterfly flew out of it. Instead of flying towards Marinette it flew on her desk. ~What is he about to do?~ After sitting there quietly without moving, he suddenly started moving his wings rapidly. 

"What the-", I was cursing around until there were two black butterflies in the room. ~He multiplied!~ Then both of them flew towards Marinette. One touched her while the other one flew past her and touched Tikki. "I'm Nooroo and I feel you negative energy. Being betrayed by someone you loved... That hurts a lot and I understand your anger. So, I'm giving you the power to take your revenge at all the ones who offended you", I told her through our connection. "Yes, Nooroo. I want revenge!", she shouted. "But for an exchange I want you to help me defeat Hawk Moth, Devil Bug", I demanded. "Is that all you want? Of course, I'll do that. I'm Devil Bug!" Then the blck cloud surrounded her.

I face Tikki. "Are you sure you wanna do this?", I asked her worried. She simply nodded and I nodded back as an agreement. "So, you already know what I want and what youhave to do, don't you?", I asked. She nodded as a reply. "Then transform, Devil Bug!", Tikki yelled at Marinette.  "Transform me", she screamed like everytime she transformed. 

There she was, Devil Bug, a girl in an blck suit with blacks spots. She looked similar to Ladybug. The only difference was that there was a heart that was smashed into hundreds of pieces. ~There's another difference~ Her suit made her look very attractive and hot. "You look incredible", I gasped. ~What on earth am I saying?~ Her eyes widened. "Thank... Thank you", she said and blushed. Suddenly the some pieces of the broken heart on her chest combined. ~That heart signals her heart. If the heart fully combines, she'll transform back to normal~ As I realized what it signaled, I noticed that I did a mistake. ~That girl appreciates every compliment! This is a desaster!~ A loud noise of cracking windows drew my back to reality. The last thing I saw before I turned away was Devil Bug heading out to take revenge at Chat Noir.

Devil Bug's PoV

I was heading to the place where Chat normally meet to head out for patrol. The Louvre. As usual I was late but I didn't care this time. I arrieved on top of the triangle-shaped musuem. But this time he wasn't there as expected. I sat down and waited for hours.
"Don't think we should leave?", Tikki's voice said in my mind. I was surprised. "Don't be scared... I can communicate with you through your mind. I can hear everything that you think. So, I can respond to you", she explained. ~It'll be worth waiting here. Trust me a little~ "You su-" "Sorry, M'Lady. I was kinda busy wi-", a familiar voice apologized. "-with breaking hearts? Or hurting feelings? Or what about suspecting people to be somebody their not?", I interrupted him. He didn't seem to find the right words. "What's wrong M'Lady?" I didn't reply but turned around with closed eyes. As I heard a gasped I slowly opened my eyes. "They're bruning", he whispered. "They show my emotions", I explained. He gulped. "But who offended you", he asked. "I tried to be nice to everyone. Even Chloe. I was kind... I was generous... I was selfless... They even said that I had a heart of gold... But still they do this to me! They ignore my feelings! They just kick them like dirt! But this is over now! I am here to break the heart of all the civillians in Paris!", I ignored his question. Although I looked like his partner he was scared. After he took a shaky breath, I stared at him with fire in my eyes. "First to start with you, Chat Noir", I evily whispered.
He jumped off the roof and I just watched him. As I arrieved at the edge of the roof, I searched for him. Altough I didn't find him, I laughed as if I already won. "You know that you won't win. You're powerless without me", I laughed and jumped into the darkness.
~Were do you think would he have gone?~ "I don't know... But what I know is that if you cause some damage, he'll come out for sure", Tikki suggested. ~Tikki you're a genius!~ I ran through the streets with a smile on my faces.
"Please! Don't don't do this to me! That's just a rumor! It's not true!" I turned to the directione where the noise came from. There I saw a woman holding a man. "I don't know what to believe... But what I know is that I'm breaking up!", the man yelled at her. He shook her off as she fell on her knees and burst out into tears. ~The perfect victim~ I threw my yo-yo towards the man. "Break him!", I screamed as it touched him. Suddenly he burst out into tears tears and a big smile appeared on my face. "Now it's her turn", Tikki reminded me. I groaned. And again I trew my yo-yo towards the woman, but this time I screamed "Evilize her!" Suddenly she wore the same suit as I. "Get Chat Noir for me", I commanded and she left. "This is fun", The voice in my mind said.
I continued my doing for some time until I had a whole army of evilized citizens. "Why are you doing this, Ladybug. "Oh! Haven't I introduce myself to you, Heart breaker? My name is Devil Bug! And it's about time that you show up!" "What did I do to you?", he foolishly asked. "Don't you remember?! You accused me of being the super villian Hawk Moth!", I explained. "Marinette?", I heard him whisper. "Oh! You even remeber my name!", I said. "You're gonna pay for breaking my heart!", I ran towards him.
"I'm sorry..."

So, this the end of this chapter😆

It took me long time to finish this one...😔

...and I'm sorry 😅

I hope you enjoy this chapter☺

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See you next chapter😘😉


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