YandereZalgo X Beautiful!Child!Fem!Reader

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Requested by Loli_Sweet_Heart 😘

Now, you probably think 'Beautiful? Pff, no... I'm ugly af'

Well... I believe the same with myself. But that's only because you've seen yourself to your worst.

For others, you are beautiful. Not from everyone, but there's people out there who find you beautiful ♥

....Um. By the way, let's just say that i don't know anything about Zalgo so... Let's see how this goes.. ^^


(Alright, choose age between 6-8)

I was playing with my friend, Tara, who was one year older than me. She would sometimes act like the boss or someone bigger and smarter, because of it. However, I still loved her and we would play almost everyday.

Since my parents had to leave somewhere, they left my grandfather/grandmother (or someone else) to take care of the two of us, however, he/she was asleep…

"Hey, Y/n, let's go play in the woods!"

"N-No, that sounds like a terrible idea! What is we get lost? Or … S-Something worse?"

Now… Tara was an adventurous kid, but on the other side, I was weak and shy.

"Come on, your grandpa/ma is asleep and the woods are a fun and safe place to play!"

Yeah, but my gut said otherwise.

"I… I don't wanna go--"

"You will have my cookie if you come with me."

"..... Fine."

Tara smiled in victory as well both got dressed and left the house with nothing else.


We decided to play hide and seek.

I would be the hider and Tara would be the seeker.

As she started counting, I ran as fast as I could and climbed up a tree as I just waited.

It had been around ten minutes and she couldn't find me yet.

I grew worried.

What could have happened to her?

That's when I turned behind me to see a giant, horrifying, dark skeleton who stared at me with those creepy 'eyes'.

I screamed and fell to the ground, crying a bit.

Tara found me, "Y/n, are you okay?"

"N-No… I s-saw something!! I-It was scary!! U-Up the tree!! A monster!!"

"Geez, don't be so whiny… I bet it was just your imagination!" She said as she started climbing.

"NO! Don't …"

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