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Chapter 23: Find Someone. 


"Stop beating at the mere sight of him,

Oh Dear Heart.

For if Allah has planned, 

there is nothing that can keep us apart"



They got off the Ferris Wheel and Aanabia felt dizzy. Her world was spinning and she did not like it.

"You alright, Aapa?" asked Nahal, holding her arms and Aanabia nodded, taking in deep breaths. She disliked heights. It felt as if she was falling from it and death was evident. She did not see any beauty in heights like most people said. If anything, she saw it as a death trap. Now, the height that scared her mattered though. If it were a few feet from the ground, it was all good. In buildings, she refrained from looking out from the windows of any floor above the 5th. It was too high for her.

"Aanabia didi?" she turned to the twins. The two boys looked exactly alike and she had a hard time differentiating them. Like now, she had no idea which one spoke. Safwah or Sahl.

"Yeah." she smiled brightly at him and he mirrored her smile.

"You doing good? Should we get food?" he asked her and her smiled morphed into a full blown grin. I already like this guy.

"Sure. What do you want to eat? Oh have you seen the food stalls that side?" she asked him and he shook his head.

"I arrived just now with Sahl-" Ahh. This one is Safwah then. "And we went to the ferry's wheel"

"So you haven't seen much of the carnival then?" she asked him incredulously and Safwah nodded at her. She turned to her sister who shrugged, giving her thumbs up. She then turned to Yazdan and Sahl, who were standing behind the trio.

"Do you guys want to go on a tour of this place? It is not much but we know our way around the carnival" she said and Yazdan turned to Sahl who shrugged.

"If he goes, we all go" muttered the brother and Yazdan turned to her with a smile. Her heart skipped a few beats and raced like a maniac at the smile. Oh dearest heart, stay calm.


"Great. First, let's see the food stalls"

The five of them walked around the mass of people, hands stuffed in their cardigans and the soles of their shoes stomping over the damp grass.

"So Aanabia didi- Mind if I call you that?" asked Safwah who was walking beside her. She was in between Nahal and Safwah, with soft music playing in the air pods of Yazdan.

"No problem." She grinned and he turned to Nahal, questioning the same. Nahal grinned at him with a nod.

"So Aanabia didi, what did you study?" he questioned her and she smiled fondly.

"Language and literature. I did study Mathematics but I am not really a fan of numbers or calculations" Safwah let out a small laugh before pointing his thumb to the back, where his brothers walked.

"Try telling that to Yazdan Bhaiyu. The guy is obsessed with Mathematics."

I learnt a new thing about him. He likes numbers.

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