You are my Pi

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We left the beer and steak place after a few more very distracted rounds of beer and were feeling a nice light warm buzz. Even though I am mostly healed, it was still a very tender loving kind of night, not counting the intense quickie in the alley. Maybe that took the edge off and helped set up the rest of the evening. We made love in a slow, languorous way as if we had all the time in the world. She rested her forehead against mine and drove in the slow lane. No hurry until the last moment, and at her climax rather than sitting up she let me see, hear, and smell her close up. Nipping at and panting in my ears; Breathing heavily into my mouth. Rubbing her face against mine, mingling our sweat and scents. Her hair a cascade, creating a dark world with just us in it. It was so incredibly sexy and intimate. I watched, heard and felt her it in a new way.

I wonder if my lack of negative reaction to her 'confession' about her Vampire woman lover and the circumstances around how she been turned helped her relax a little more. The love-making had been... Well. Different than ever before. That is kind of a thing with Jessica. It is different every time somehow. I wonder if she knows how emotionally deeply far gone I am about her. In my experience, women know and understand these things far more quickly than men do. While it is in bounds to flirt and to talk about the things we liked sexually, it seems out of bounds to talk about anything like love. Now that I am her 'Responsibility' especially.

Colorado is going to be another longish drive. We got up moderately early and loaded the Honda. Knowing the exact why of the coolers I loaded made me smile. Jessica can eat as much or more than I at any given sitting: it varies based upon what she has been doing. None of it shows on her, at least not above her Vampire baseline. Less of the beer and calories show on me all the time. After the hospital, and the beating and the recovery, I look like I lost twenty or so pounds. My pants hang loosely from me, and I made extra holes in the belt to keep them up. We are going to stop along the way and buy me some new clothes before I face the Council. More Jessica largess that I am someday going to need to learn how to accept.

Assuming the Council does not kill me. Then it will not matter.

I would have this issue with anyone buying me these kinds of things. I am used to being independent. Self-sufficient. It is a mental tape I play all the time, probably because I am the third child or something.

The mood that morning was not as somber as I might have thought, given the seriousness of what we are about to face. I am in denial still and that is a place I live in so much I am going to be charged rent soon. I could not quite believe that the Vampire council would kill me solely for being a male Vampire. I both believed it, and I didn't. Jessica convinced me they would. I knew in my head it is possible. There is this little voice in my head that thought it so unfair that surely they wouldn't...

Jessica came at it more from resignation I think. She knew she personally could not do anything if they decided I am not trustworthy. For all her time on this earth, accomplishments, and money, her resources are apparently nothing when compared to the entire Council.

My new teeth made me want to chew on some ice, so I did. I considered asking to stop at the store so I could buy a baby's teething toy. Jessica's calling me a boy-toy and a child last night made me decide that would lead to far too much teasing and general verbal abuse.

My new hairline is a slight problem, but I like my longish hair so I decided that Vampire councils know about things like new hair that likes to stick up and to not worry about it. Be easier to be me than show up in some short haircut that made me even more uncomfortable. Jessica agreed, saying she wanted my hair to be long enough she can grab two handfuls of it when she wants to. I am for it.

Snowball stowed, we headed up to Boulder, Colorado. It would take about 7 or 8 hours, depending on traffic, and how often we stopped for final meals, Rest Stop sex, and of course there is the damn clothes shopping. I told Jessica that now is no time to scrimp on the eating and loving, for tomorrow I might die. She did not seem very amused, only saying "Gallows humor. 1 point out of 10. No. Zero."

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