Chapter 10

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He opened the windows and the fall breeze filled the car. I looked excited, I have never did anything like this before, I never stayed out this late apart from the one concert I went with Abby. He was speed driving, but said that he was following the speed limit. It was fun, I was having fun with the wind blowing my hair. I took my hand out and allow my hand to feel the cold breeze and looked at the night. It was beautiful, the night was young and wonderful.

"Where are we going?" I asked him and he said.

"Just driving around." He shrugged. "No place in mind."

"That's so weird." I thought to myself. He drove all over the city and the view was beautiful. He stopped near a lake and said, "Once the lake freeze, I am taking you here for ice skating."

My eyes widened and I was excited. "I would actually love that." I said.

He grinned. He dropped me home at twelve am, and now he expect me to climb back.

We were successful after a long time and back to my room.

"Goodnight." I turned to him expecting him to leave.

"You think I came all the way up and leaving?" He chuckled as he got ready for bed.

I rolled my eyes at him and went to the washroom to get ready for bed, again. He was sitting on the bed and moved all the make-shift divider that I made with the pillows. He pat the bed and said, "I seriously don't bite, until you ask me." He winked.

I scrunched my nose in disgust and glared at him and took all the pillows and once again made a divider.

"Either the divider or you are sleeping on the floor."

"Jeez." He said, "it's just sleeping."

"Just sleeping." I mocked him. "Then sleep on the floor, since it is just sleep to you."

"Fine, make divider then." He said rolling his eyes. He watched me make the divider and it was 1:35 am in the morning when we were actually ready for bed.

"Night, love." He said and I hmm in my sleep at him.

The next morning, he was missing from the bed and I had the privacy once again. I heard car honking and I ran and peeped out of the window and saw a new grey sports car on the driveway. It have to be Elliot, that rich child with another new car. Students are actually jealous of his car collection, it is always sleek and shiny.

When I came out of the house, he was standing and leaning on the hood of his car and playing with his phone.

"You want to walk or should I drive?"

"Walk." I said and looked at the fallen leaves around us.

"Okay, make sure you are warm. It's a little cold today."

I was warm enough in my hoodie and jeans. He put on his sunglasses and walked beside me, I think I look like a potato in front of him. He look like a model with black shirt and black jeans with black trench-coat. Everything about him is classy and expensive.

I was so glad that today is Friday, I have weekends to myself and can sleep in and can be away from school.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Relaxing.You?" I asked.

"Party." He said and I nodded my head, the popular children have party all the time in the weekends at different houses. I never heard Elliot holding one at his place, which is both surprising and not so surprising at all. He is still mysterious to me.

Upon our arrival to school, his friends surrounded him and I was moving towards the main building when he pulled me back by my hoodie and put his arm on my shoulder and stopped me from going anywhere. I see Abby, who was busy texting-most probably to Tyler. I can see her excitement for tonight. I shifted my weight from one leg to another in boredom. His friends talked about the party tonight and totally pretended I was not there, which I am absolutely fine with. Abby waved at me and called me over and I see Elliot busy talking with his friends, but not letting me go. How nice of him.

I moved away from him only to be dragged back, his friends giving me dirty look as Elliot was getting distracted while they were talking. I pointed to Abby and he give his friend one nod and dragged me with him to Abby.

"You can simply move your arm and continue your talk with your friend." I said.

"I know I can, but no thank you." He said politely.

"Since when Elliot Walker is so polite?" I asked.

"I am always polite." He said giving me an amused look.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes at him.

I see Brianna glaring at me from distance. "Your girlfriend is angry." I said and he looked at where I was looking and he looked down at me. He is so tall, that I am curious how he see the world? Tiny people? Tiny world?

"You can be my girlfriend." He teased.

"Of course you have to sacrifice me." I said. "Go and find someone to be sacrifice to the wild cats. Her glare looks like she will tear me apart." And I removed his arm from me.

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him, and put his arm again on my shoulder.

"My shoulder hurts because of your arm." I pointed out.

"Poor baby." He said and he removed his arm from my shoulder and took my hand.

"You are very clingy." I said.

"I can't disagree to that one." He said as we stood in front of Abby. She grinned at us and looked at me, "My house after school?"

"Sure." I said.

"What about me?" Elliot asked.

"You are dismissed for today." I teased.

"I am hurt." He said putting his hand on his heart and I laughed.

"See you, Walker." I waved him goodbye as I pulled Abby with me to the entrance.

"You seem happy today." She pointed out

I just shrugged, not sure how I feel around him. I turned back to see him walked back to his friends. I don't think he and I can ever belong to the same crowd.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote. Read my other books, which you can find in the profile. Thank you once again!

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