Chapter 17

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We got to matts house and went into his room. I put my comfy clothes on and sat on his bed. He sat on the floor. I went on my phone, I recieved a text from Jackie

Jackie: Hayy Bridget

Me: hello.

Jackie: So. How's you and Matt

Me: good. Were actually hanging out now

Jackie: your not lying to me like you did about this relationship right?

Me: I'm not lying. Why would I lie about this relationship?

Jackie: oh nothing. Nothing. Just wondering

Me: alright. What do you want?

Jackie: are you going to prom?

Me: yes

Jackie: I better see you at prom. Because if I don't I will tell everyone about the secret of your family. And I will taunt you with this. I'll give out all of your secrets

Me: it's none of your buisness. Don't text me back other wise we will have problems

Jackie: fight me

Me: I will

Jackie: meet me at the park

Me: I will

I started pacing back and forth with my hand on my chest breathing heavily. Matt looked at me worried

"Woah, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" Matt asked

"Jackie wants me to fight her" I said

"What?" Matt asked

"Jackie wants me to fight her" I said panicking

"Why?" Matt asked

"I don't know. I told her I would" I said

"Why would you do that?" Matt asked

I put my ring on and ran out the door. Matt followed me

"Bridget you don't have to do this" Matt said

"Yes I do!" I said

I walked over to the park to find Jackie standing there acting tough

"Hey Bridget. How are you?" Jackie said sarcastically

"Why would you wanna fight me? You already know I've gotten into more fist fight than I could count on both hands. One of them including my sis-" I got cut off with a punch in the face,

I fell to the ground. Matt ran over to me to help me. Jackie had a smirk on her face


I got up and brushed myself off. Jackie was standing there high fiving her friends like she already won the fight. Jackie turned around and looked at me

"Haha. You whore you got hurt" Jackie said

"You hit like a bitch" I said

Jackie got worried.

"Pfft. Yeah okay. You looked like you were crying cuz of it" Jackie said

I saw her friends giggling. I didn't say anything. Good thing I put my ring on because I went right up to her and punched her strait in her face. She completely fell to the ground.

"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA FIGHT ME?" I screamed while continuing to punch her

She started to punch me back. Her punches sucked because they didn't even hurt me.


I grew all of this anger inside of me. Matt was trying to pull me back. But Ignored him. I got so mad that I lifted her off the ground and gave her a big punch in the face. And she went out cold.

"WHOS NEXT?" I screamed

They picked up jackie and ran off. I couldn't tell if they all ran off because of how dark it was outside. I felt something hit my cheek. but I didn't know what it was. I felt a pop in my jaw. I started to feel dizzy because of what just hit me

"Bridget are you alright?" I heard

I felt myself fall back and everything went black

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