The Business Project and Moving In With the Dragneel's

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Chapter 1 - Recap:

Natsu and I looked at each other. We nodded our heads in silent agreement. Last year we paired up on almost all our group assignments when we could.

We waited to see just what the business project was. Ms. V looked around and when everyone had moved by their partners she started talking again.

She moved in front of her desk again before saying, "This year, you have to be successful business owners,"

• * •

Chapter 2: The Business Project, and Moving In With the Dragneel's

The class was silent for a full minute, a record length I'm sure, before erupting in noise. Everyone was talking to their partners about the new assignment. Natsu turns to face me in his seat with a glint in his eye.

"Hey! Why don't you stay with me and Wendy in our apartment? We can work together even better then!" He grinned.

I thought about it for a moment. Living with them sounded like fun, and I practically lived with them already... Really if they took out the long wall between our kitchens and living rooms it would still be the same. We just wouldn't have to walk through the halls to see each other.

I nodded my head, "Sure, why not" I shrugged.

"Class!" Ms. V called for our attention. The voices grew to a whisper and then disappeared completely. She smiled when the silence had completely enveloped the classroom.

"Thank you, now before I dismiss you all I have one more set of instructions. I have papers up here and all of them have different business situation. You will create your entire business but I will place all of you in different situations. Help each other out. Make deals, form partnerships, whatever is necessary. But you all must act as if it was all reality, all the time. Remember all the classes before you have done this, so they will go along with it,"

A boy in the back raised his hand. "Yes?" Ms. V looked at him.

"So, we have to actually create a business?" He asked.

"Ah, well you don't have to, but you can create props if you want a better grade. Remember this lasts all year, so make it enjoyable for yourself! And don't rush, keep yourself on a good pace. I don't want you burning out early!" She explained

"I'll explain more tomorrow because it's time for you to go. Class dismissed!" She dismissed us and every pair grabbed a paper as they left. Natsu snatched one up as we made our way out into the hallway.

"We have this assignment clinched!" He cheered.

I gave him a puzzled look. "What's the scenario?" I ask reaching for the paper. He holds it above me out of my reach. I scowl at him.

"Hand it over!" I pout.

"I'll tell you after school, Mrs. Dragneel." He smirked at my face and then turned to go to his next class. I wasn't sure how exactly to react so I just made my way through the halls to my math class and sat down as Sir. Guildarts began his lecture. I kept wondering why he called me Mrs. Dragneel...

• * •

I lugged my now heavy backpack over my shoulder. I waved to Levy and Erza as they walked to their houses together. Gray, Natsu, Gajeel and Jellal where staying after for basketball tryouts.

I made my way to one of the gymnasium doors. I sat on a far bench, tucked in a corner. The door to the gym was propped open so I could see the boys as they drilled. Natsu weaved his way around the court and made a few shots. Jellal tried to block but Natsu still got around him. Gray snatched the ball up as it whisked through the net. He arched around Natsu who was trying to find a break in Gray's defenses.

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